The Golden Age Of Steam
awesome as usual... I would love the chance to stand near one.
It's a British engine. The scene looks fantastic. What renderer do you use?
Excellent, and well composed. Did you model the engine too?
Wow! Very nice.
I'd gladly stand up next to any steam locomotive. I'd love a footplate ride on that one.
Superb! Love the steam, is that a PS brush?
@tadema said:
I've never understood anyone who would stand within 100ft of one of these things! 100 ton hissing, pissing and banging
bloody death traps
And, I would think that black smoke would leave it's mark.
Great modeling and rendering, as always, John.
Great little scene. Building details are wonderful!
Thanks everyone. Kriss if you ever come across here they still run Steam Train Tours through the Yorkshire Dales & Cumbria, beautiful parts of the country.
A line and shadow output, rendered wit V-ray and smoke added in PS.John