Upholstered furniture
Great! (as always of course)
Thank you Alvis, you made my Friday!
- 5 months later
- 8 months later
Magic mate, as per usual.
- about a month later
I don't think I've ever described a 3d model of an inanimate object as sexy, but that's what comes to mind looking at all those soft and smooth models. Beautiful work!
- 3 months later
brilliant work, as usual!
Your 3d modeling of furniture made me try myself modeling with SubD and model chairs, got some obsession with them.
Definitively best-upholstered furniture modeling here. -
Love your furniture. Both the models and renders are always first-rate.
Best 3d furniture anywhere imho. Brilliant.
@alvis said:
Sofa By Tacchini design
Brilliant! - the upholstery looks like being used, which means it looks so real - 12 months later
sehr gut I love the texturing, especially of the wood!
You make it look easy, great looking chair. Textures are spot on!!
@nlipovac said:
You make it look easy, great looking chair. Textures are spot on!!
yes, after 12 years of experience it has become easier