Trimble SketchUp Mobile Viewer for iOS
Scenes don't control layer visibility and no individual layer control?!
No way to measure? No way to drill down through groups/components to isolate geometry?
Why on earth does Trimble have such a hard-on for the 3D warehouse? It is at best a repository for garbage models made by inexperienced modelers with no clue how to create a "clean" model. I have maybe downloaded 10 models in the last 3 years and I use SU every day and each of those 10 took almost as long to clean up as it would for me to create them fresh.
Recommended to not install on 2nd gen iPads?
Nice try, but how about giving us a tool and not a toy...
It seems like every time there is an announcement of something new, I get all excited and then I read the release notes and discouragement is the result. It is without question the fact that "power" pro users of SU are being increasingly marginalized.
@aerilius said:
Which still does not justify prefererism. In the country where we live, authorities and companies care about to avoid any bias towards their customer base.
maybe you're living in another country than me... not.@aerilius said:
They need all their customers equally and would for heaven's sake never get the idea to like some customers more than others.
a good one
"lock-in ecosystems" as iOS do allow to develop for a known ecosystem based on several devices only with many of them using the recent iOS (7+ ~ 90%) which most of the Android devices do (unfortunately) not (4.1+ ~ 12,5% / 4.4 ~ 5%). And therefore just simplifys development which is especially needed if only limited resources (aka man power) are available.
Actually app development for "Andoid first" is roughly 2-3 times more expensive than for iOS:
• the Andoid version announced I lately cannot see any preference besides trageting the easiest to realize platform with the user base most willingly to pay for an app first.
@aerilius said:
Similarly you find all TV movies, ZDF, ARD etc. hide brands and show mockup computer interfaces instead of hidden advertising.
what has product placement to do with software development for mobile devices
Let's stop arguing. I really don't want that, and neither did I mention iOS nor Android, or heise-style arguments.
By promoting a webstandards-based app, SketchUp could have the chance not to take part in platform wars. 3D for everyone, that is a value that is worth to hold sacred. -
@aerilius said:
Let's stop arguing. I really don't want that, and neither did I mention iOS...
what else did you have meant with your "lock-in ecosystems"?
if you really don't wanna argue why then post? Just for postulating your thesis of free/open software is the best solution for just everything. Which is definitely not seeing all this open standards resp. open source projects failing and passing away.
@aerilius said:
...not to take part in platform wars.
you're kiddin', Trimble is a commercial company and not a foundation for promoting open standards.
Come on, not so hypersensitive. You tear up quotes and try to pull connections that there aren't. Makes this topic no fun to read anymore.
Also, if the app was exclusive for Android (not to think about WP7/8) I'd have to lend my daughter's tab (good to have several in house!), but the points still make sense.
I came here to ask, whether some one tried it out? When I put it on my iPad, can I somehow keep the model there and show it even where I don't have internet?
Does someone have experience with the other apps? -
@aerilius said:
Which still does not justify prefererism. In the country where we live, authorities and companies care about to avoid any bias towards their customer base. They need all their customers equally and would for heaven's sake never get the idea to like some customers more than others.
Please understand that no offense is intended, but I think you're taking this argument far off the deep end. It simply doesn't hold up to any scrutiny.
The fact that a company releases a new product with support for "platform A" on the first day of launch does not automatically mean that there are no plans to ever support "platform B". And just because one plans to support multiple platforms does not always mean doing to in a totally platform-agnostic way is the best approach, either. For instance, those who know what Qt was like a dozen years ago will thank SketchUp's early designers for avoiding it.
Even though I'm typing this on a Mac, I've never used an iOS device of any kind in my life--not once. So yeah, of course I want an Android version of this new SketchUp mobile viewer, as do most of my colleagues. But that doesn't stop us from using some basic logic to figure out how to prioritize the work we have to do along the way.
Yes, prioritizing one thing above another has the effect of marginalizing the thing of lower priority. But this is life, and it's nothing personal.
Case in point, two summers ago, my favorite band did a small tour that didn't include a stop in Denver, so I didn't get to go see them. Apparently several other cities were all prioritized above mine. The fact that they didn't come to Denver doesn't mean they marginalized me--for whatever reason, that's just the way it worked out.
The overwhelming majority of tablet users in all of our key markets use iPads. As such, it makes sense that we would focus on native iOS as the first target platform. Furthermore, I think most people would agree that if a company has a viable, stable, working product for one platform, they should release it as soon as possible, even if there are eventual plans to add support for a second platform. I personally see no reason to make one wait on the other.
After all, by that logic, if @Last had waited until SketchUp for Mac was ready before releasing SketchUp for Windows, the product never would have existed, because it wouldn't have gained enough traction or exposure in the dominant platform to warrant porting it to the minority platform.
I know this will upset those who demand equal representation for all, but here's another dose of reality. We have no immediate plans to add support for Farsi, Klingon, Esperanto or Swahili languages in SketchUp. We're also not going to put the new SketchUp mobile viewer on "HP WebOS", the "Apple Newton", or the "Compaq Portable", either. And by the way, the SketchUp client software has never been on Linux, and someday we're going to drop support for MacOS 10.7 and Windows XP, too. While some say that represents more preferential treatment, I say these are simple matters of economics.
All of the details aside though, those who can read between the lines will understand there's no need to get upset about the mobile viewer only supporting one platform today...
Look forward to videos of actual use and more on the product. So far I haven't seen enough.
I second pbacot. Enthusiasm got the better of me and I bought it without really looking into it. Have had problems trying to sign in on Mobile viewer; then not able to sign in so I can upload from my Mac and then when I have somehow downloaded a couple of other people's models on to my iPad to take a look, there doesn't seem to be any instructions on how to delete/remove them - I can't find a walkthru within the app. Odd.
@bowesy said:
Have had problems trying to sign in on Mobile viewer
Hi, bowesy,
Here's some info I hope may help you or others who have login problems.
First, the Mobile viewer uses a Google ID for identity management. It's the same method that's used for all of our products: the SketchUp desktop application, Extension Warehouse and 3D Warehouse. Please make sure you have your Google ID set up properly. One way to test this is by logging into the 3D Warehouse website.
Second, we have discovered a bug dealing with 2-step logins (only affects those accounts which have this login method enabled). 2-factor authentication is a more robust login method that only allows login to an account upon providing not just username and password, but an additional key of some kind. More info here. If your Google account requires 2-factor authentication, then please be aware that this is a known bug that we are presently working to remedy. I do not have an ETA for the fix.
You may be able to work around this bug by disabling 2-step login for your Google account. Note that if your account is managed by your employer's corporate IT department, you may be administratively prohibited from changing this setting. Second, knowing the importance of 2-step authentication to those of you who have it, we realize you might not want to disable it. That is why we are pursuing a fix for the problem. Sorry.
I hope this helps.
@bowesy said:
I have somehow downloaded a couple of other people's models on to my iPad to take a look ... there doesn't seem to be any instructions on how to delete/remove them.
We regret the accidental omission of deletion instructions from the in-app support page. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. In response, our support team is working to update the article with that information.
In the meantime, here's how to perform the deletion.
Within the home screen thumbnail grid, find the model you want to delete, then click its info button, then the trashcan button.Details:
Open the SketchUp Mobile Viewer.
Go to the home screen. I'm not talking about the "3D Warehouse" screen within the mobile viewer, but rather, the home screen. The title heading will read "SketchUp Mobile Viewer" if you're in the right place.
The home screen includes a grid of thumbnails for the models you've saved to your device. Find the model you want to delete and click on its info button (a lowercase "i" with a circle around it, located in the lower left-hand corner of each thumbnail).
Clicking the info button will cause the thumbnail for that model to disappear and switch to showing an extended information window. That window contains a trashcan icon.
Click the trashcan icon to delete the locally saved model from your device.
I hope this helps!
Hey, everybody,
I want to make sure you all know how to submit bug/problem reports for the SketchUp Mobile Viewer.
The primary "official" method for such a submission is by posting about the issue in the official help forum.
The secondary method is to post a reply in this SketchUcation thread. The support team will periodically take a look at this post for problem reports, but won't look for them elsewhere.
Therefore, please keep an eye on the forums here and direct anyone with bug reports for the Mobile Viewer to this message thread.
Many thanks for the replies Andrew
So it's been a couple months since last reply and I was wanting some recent feedback on the app. I was given an iTunes gift card and since SU is my passion just wondered what others thought of it.
PS Most of the reviews at the App store seem to point to the 3d warehouse being the only way to view models. This is not a problem in my case as I only want to view my models for clients. The App store page doesn't say much about the use of scenes to navigate with in the model any experience there?