U can TEACH me?
Thank JEFF... you are the best.
But can I ask you, for you to draw the same, more 2 examples?
You made it with 4 spaces between, in which 4 + 4, total 8 spaces segments.
Can you draw the same with:
5 + 5 segment spaces? and other one with 6 + 6 segments?
I think that would help me to decide some dimension when I draw the up level floor, and manipulate de spaces between de structure frame (to draw holes in the dome)
Can you do that for me... And I think I found some material that help me determine the FOCUS point (FOCI) of the ellipse, and then draw perpendiculars to the arch in sketchup.
One more time...
You Rock dude.
Thanks a lot.
BIg hug men! -
Ups! sorry.. I forget to say...
Let me correct... The main objective is to draw equal segments, starting at the minor axis (the one parallel to front view) WITH 2.40 meter (that`s the exactly dimension I need).
And if in the "nose" results with a different dimensions, there is no problem. Because that's the centre, and there are a main entry under the dome (like a FOYER entry, before going to the show room)
Please, save it in SKETCHUP 2013, or SKETCHUP 8....
The file you give to me is in SKP 2014 version ... It`s impossible to open newer versions on earlier one.
@unknownuser said:
Ups! sorry.. I forget to say...
Let me correct... The main objective is to draw equal segments, starting at the minor axis (the one parallel to front view) WITH 2.40 meter (that`s the exactly dimension I need).
And if in the "nose" results with a different dimensions, there is no problem. Because that's the centre, and there are a main entry under the dome (like a FOYER entry, before going to the show room)
like this?
(note- last segment is 1.75m instead of 2.4m)if this is right, i'll do one with the surface included.. the vertices along the ellipse of the other one i uploaded won't match up with these ones. (it's sometimes tricky dealing with nurbs surfaces which have been converted to meshes.. it's best to have everything joined up in the nurbs app prior to meshing.. that will allow all the vertices to match between the different parts)
[going to sleep soon.. leave a note if this version is right and i'll post another version in the morning]
You can also try the little brother of Rhino
"Moment of Inspiration" a little more easy to learn!
(Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V is possible in the 2 ways between Moi and Rhino !!! )You can use the demo infinite without save!
Some sufficient for have the distances!A sort of super 3D Geometric drwawer tool!
Here you propagate a point on the arc elllipse as you want then draw your Perpendicular lines by hands (helpers Lines are terrific )
all that take maybe 10 seconds!it's one of your ellipse!
that right...yupi, yupi!
You are the boss.
Thanks one more time.
@unknownuser said:
You can also try the little brother of Rhino
"Moment of Inspiration" a little more easy to learn!
(Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V is possible in the 2 ways between Moi and Rhino !!! )You can use the demo infinite without save!
Some sufficient for have the distances!A sort of super 3D Geometric drwawer tool!
Here you propagate a point on the arc elllipse as you want then draw your Perpendicular lines by hands (helpers Lines are terrific )
all that take maybe 10 seconds!it's one of your ellipse!
Hello there...
Thanks for answer and try to help. I have to say that I never had notice about that software. I will find out more about it... Can you say to me if it is possible to export to SKETCHUP, or AUTOCAD?
And about the trial version? Do I have 7 day for testing or no? In trial version still possible to export, save or something like that?
best greetings
like this?
(note- last segment is 1.75m instead of 2.4m)[attachment=1:h1ktb1n9]<!-- ia1 -->2_4m.skp<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:h1ktb1n9]
[attachment=0:h1ktb1n9]<!-- ia0 -->2_4m.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:h1ktb1n9]
if this is right, i'll do one with the surface included.. the vertices along the ellipse of the other one i uploaded won't match up with these ones. (it's sometimes tricky dealing with nurbs surfaces which have been converted to meshes.. it's best to have everything joined up in the nurbs app prior to meshing.. that will allow all the vertices to match between the different parts)
[going to sleep soon.. leave a note if this version is right and i'll post another version in the morning][/quote]
That`s right bro...yupi, yupi!
You are the great boss here.
Manny manny Thanks you, one more time.
It doesn't metter if the end close are different then 2,40meter measure. It have to be. Other wise, I have to calculate and redraw all ellipse to find every 2,40meter in equal segments.
..I am gone open your SKP file this time, to see if the version save is ok.
Will contact to you soon.
If I leave EUA, or were you leave, I will buy you a drink my friend. You are priceless
@unknownuser said:
If I leave EUA, or were you leave, I will buy you a drink my friend. You are priceless
ha.. i like messing around with these types of structures so i get some fun out of doing it.. but yeah, if you're ever in nyc, i'll have a jack & ginger
here's the version with the 2.4m layout and a domed surface with matching vertices.. good luck with the rest of your project.
@unknownuser said:
And about the trial version? Do I have 7 day for testing or no?
A month !
And of course yes you can save load anything!
@unknownuser said:
Can you say to me if it is possible to export to SKETCHUP, or AUTOCAD?
Absolutly sure for Sketchup
For AutoCad I have never try because I have not Autocad!
Some colors on the Jeff's file
A paragliding, parachute ?
HELLO People.
I have to say that i have been working on my structure. But everyday pass I find more troubles! shit for it!
I am start to think that I miss some points.
First I was working with MOI software (lovely and simple). Therefore I star learning RHINO (like in one week)... just about to love that software.. BUT my structure still having troubles.
The last perpendicular to x plane (parallel to y plane) doesn't touch on the others frames. And because of that it is getting impossible to draw the oval shape.
I make an array by the elliptical path.. everything went nice beside that last perpendicular frame. The problem are in that last arch curve. And I can not find the solution for it.
the only solution I was able to find, it was using/drawing 2 ellipses.
1ΒΊ draw in X plan
2ΒΊ draw in high in Y plan
3ΒΊ revolve or loft.but in this solution I get an ugly regular elliptical shape.