Draw only in active sceene and not to see that in others
How to draw something only in active scene and not to see that in others. Whats the fastest way? Once I have used such technique like- I saved my template with some 30 empty layers and unchecked them all so that they are hidden by default. Then of course I draw all in layer 0. and them when I need specially to draw something, what should not appear in other layers, I used some of these previously made layers. recently I am looking for more smart way to do that.
Another option is to hide new made layer in all scenes... but when there are many of them, that's time-full.
Any good suggestions? Thanks in advance.
there's a plugin "Add Hidden Layer". Note that when you DO want it in a scene it takes an extra step.
Thanks, called " JF Add Layer"... exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!