Walkthrough options
I have been trying to do a walkthrough (walkover) a terrain, thus far I have tried, these plugins, floating camera, works well but after a while it "shudders" I do like the fact it does maintain camera height though. Flightpath works well also, but I having a speed control issue with going from scene one to scene 199, it moves way to fast to be useful. In the past I have made a "camera car" with Sketchy Physics, and used the follow camera option, but now I can't get away from the 20 second bugsplat, most of you that have used SP know that bug splats are a way of life, but there is a limit to how many splats I can handle at one time, and the plugin has not been updated recently.
Today I tried Tak2hata's fly through, stable, works well, but, there isn't an option to maintain camera height, that I have found anyway. When working with terrains it is nice to stay above the ground, and not fall through it.
Oh of course there is the native walk function, but unless you place the camera 50 feet above the terrain you can't see where you are going.
Is there another approach you know about that I haven't tried yet? -
I would say that Tak2hata is a very responsive author to suggestions such as "maintain camera height" and, if you post in the plugin thread, he may respond. Disregard this comment if you have already posted there.