Sketchyphysics gravity management
Hi everyone,
I'm new on sketchyphysics, I read tutos and forums thoose last days, there is a simple thing I try to do but I can't. A sphere jointed to an hige and behaving like a marble attached to a string would in the real life. Like a pendulum. I tried answers in topics of this forum but still doesn't work (must be my bad ).My sphere balances, no problem, but the movement is much more slowed down than I would expect. I put a value to "thrust" in the UI but it works just in one direction. I guess I'd have to script something but I don't know how to do that. BTW if you have a tip for me to get started in scripting, you are welcome.
In a general way, could someone waste a little of his time to explain me how gravity is managed in that software? THXS
If you mean howto adjust gravity, then it is under Plugins->SketchyPhysics->Physics Settings.
I'm also new to Physics so this with scripting sounds interesting.
I must check that out.
Thanks Blossa, I hadn’t noticed the settings
But I still can’t understand the way it works
I try to make a correspondance between the SP gravity setting (1 by default) and the gravity acceleration we know on Earth (g=9.81 meters per sedond per second). So I make an object to fall from different heights (h) and record the frame when it touches the ground. I’ve been taught at school that h=0.5g * t², the formula expects seconds for t, let's say frames are seconds. I should find a constant when calculating h/t² but in SP it looks like the longer an object falls, the less it accelerates wich makes me a little confused. SP simulates the vacuum, doesn’t it ?
also there are some code settings for linear and angular damping which can be tweeked. I'll look for and post an example