Bill Nye vs Ken Ham
Let's just say there's enough ignorance to go around, regardless of political affiliation.
aren't religion and science basically the same thing?
i mean, they're both attempts at curbing the human 'need' to explain things.. come up with theories, test them, etc..
the difference seems that with religion, they make it easy by taking the original theories as fact and then being like "phew.. sweet. we don't have to think about that crap anymore"
or something
Will I don't think I am a right wing nut, I am more of a anti government nut. However, if I am going to call someone a name I am man enough to face him and tell him what I think. I find it a cowardly act to use the name "teabagger", which refers to a sick sex act when referring to people who are tired of being taxed, i.e. "tea Party". "Tax Enough Already"
If you were coming to Base Camp, I would walk up to you, look up at you at and call you some childish name, then precede getting my ass kicked.
So now I know why you won't be at Base Camp, you are afraid of me.
In jest, Pete, you have many inches and pound on me. Smash me like a bug.
I do find it very childish, grown people and politicians using the term "teabagger" in what I would call mixed company, women and kids and on TV. They are really disgusting people. But then again, politician and Americans have no pride anymore. The loudest, the most obnoxious people are getting the lime light.
Have a good day. Thumb still on the scale, pushing harder every day.
Nice over reaction.
So, people who have worked all the life, want accountability, less taxes, work/jobs. Are defined by people using a gross sexual term. Told you we have lost our way. Don't worry, the Tea Party People will be gone, as most are either retired or getting close to retirement. Not sure who will pay for the shit coming down the road. Me, I got my money. Told my kids to leave as soon as possible.
I live in a retirement community, and I see and hear every day the fear of these people wondering how they will make it if the debt and taxes keep rising to fund the seemingly never ending projects. Some are moving back to their kids homes, because the kids can't live here, and the kids have been unemployed for such a long time they are close to losing their home.
I have removed the two web address as they don't work for some reason. They were good, but they just don't work.
Now all this started in this thread because of the use of the term "TEABAGGER" which I find offensive and cowardly and bearing no intellectual honesty.
Oh well onward. Got work to do.
Please use a the off topic option:
when posting responses that have absolutely nothing to do with the original topic, which as a reminder is evolution vs creationism and not your political immaturities and insecurities.
@solo said:
Please use a the off topic option:
when posting responses that have absolutely nothing to do with the original topic, which as a reminder is evolution vs creationism and not your political immaturities and insecurities.
Well, I'll be darn, don't believe I have ever seen that before. Not sure where to find it, however, I believe a little searching it will show up.
Not sure, however, I believe the post just before mind went offtopic. I was just responding to the vuglarness.
Thanks Solo.
@unknownuser said:
So, people who have worked all the life, want accountability, less taxes, work/jobs. Are defined by people using a gross sexual term. Told you we have lost our way. Don't worry, the Tea Party People will be gone, as most are either retired or getting close to retirement. Not sure who will pay for the shit coming down the road. Me, I got my money. Told my kids to leave as soon as possible.
I live in a retirement community, and I see and hear every day the fear of these people wondering how they will make it if the debt and taxes keep rising to fund the seemingly never ending projects. Some are moving back to their kids homes, because the kids can't live here, and the kids have been unemployed for such a long time they are close to losing their home.
Now all this started in this thread because of the use of the term "TEABAGGER" which I find offensive and cowardly and bearing no intellectual honesty.
Oh well onward. Got work to do.
On the one hand I agree with you but on the other hand, let's face it, the tea party came up with the name "TEA PARTY"" long after the inference to a sexual act. AND, it has nothing to do with space time religion that this thread was started on. I am younger than you, I'm only 60 (dear God, How did you make 85?) BUT, as much as I believe in having "GOD" on our money, "God" on our public buildings, I don't believe "God" should be taught in schools. This country gives the right to everyone to believe what they want, and not ALL believe the same. Having "God" only, not catholic, protestant, buddist, etc. allows for ALL faiths, and I "believe" you don't have a belief in "God" as to accept that others do have beliefs.Rant over....Political topics need a new thread.
So back on topic.
How is this for stupid.
From the start I felt the debate was never going anywhere.
I think its a waste of time discussing the Bible as a means to explain what we think we perceive around us as the 'faith' element comes into play and when we adopt faith in something we will entertain very little that contradicts the faith in question.
Faith and Science are like water and oil, they really don't mix well.
@mike lucey said:
From the start I felt the debate was never going anywhere.
I think its a waste of time discussing the Bible as a means to explain what we think we perceive around us as the 'faith' element comes into play and when we adopt faith in something we will entertain very little that contradicts the faith in question.
Faith and Science are like water and oil, they really don't mix well.
Mike I agree with you, if everyone thought this way we would not be discussing this, however unfortunately there is a huge percentage of folk here in the states that do believe the bible should be taken literally and used to explain evolutionary science questions.
In reality religion is a result of scientific thought.
Way back when fire was an advanced technology, skinny geeky Ugg, while digesting his small share of barely cooked mammoth meat, was ruminating on what made the fire hot. He turned to big beefy Gogg, who didn't know much but was good at lifting heavy things and hitting mammoths, what he thought on the subject. Gogg, being rather thick had no idea, but as he was the one that picked up the burning stick from the lightning strike he said it was a mystical thing from the sky that shouldn't be questioned or it would be taken away. (Or grunts to that effect.) The lesser minds in the group believed everything Gogg told them and allowed him to be the boss. The more the group allowed Gogg to control them the more he pushed the envelope and the more powerful he became. The skinny questioning geeks struggled to keep their place in this society by being useful and not openly questioning the almighty Gogg, while quietly working away at their ideas and questions, often secretly.
So the gradual development of the scientific inquiring mind pushed the more dominant power hungry types to create a back story that allows them to control the group around them.
The evolution of this relationship plays out in every society throughout history. The shaman, the witch doctor, the high priest, the banker, the politician etc etc
I find it particularly amusing that people can be so loud about being free and living in a democratic world etc etc and yet they subjugate themselves to the whims of tyrannical religious leaders of every faith that they have never had the option to vote for.
To me, it's fine to be under tyrannical religious leaders, if that's your thing. (And I mean that only as regards to the spiritual realm... zealots and crusaders are another thing entirely.) It shouldn't be something that hurts the world if you believe some religious leader or another.
The problem is, as Pete points out, lots of people take this faith as something practical and descriptive of the physical world around us. Not only that, they force others (like grade school students) to accept it as valid teaching to explain the world. That is definitely something worth pushing back against, and am glad Bill Nye is doing so. -
I agree and would never deny anyone their right to believe in the imaginary friend of their choice.
Interesting though isn't it that in general terms science seeks to answer questions and educate in a non invasive, join in if you want manner whereas religion tends more towards the, you must not ask or question what we say and you must join us or you'll end up somewhere unpleasant.
The rise in power of fundamentalists in any of the multiple sides of this societal dilemma isn't good for anyone. We've had centuries of religious wars interrupted by the decades of nuclear fueled cold war, now we move back into the religious wars .........
@box said:
I agree and would never deny anyone their right to believe in the imaginary friend of their choice.
.heh, i told my daughter there's no santa when she was 2 and i've caught flack from every single person (except my brother.. he laughed... but the grandparents? jeez- they want to shoot me for it
idk, i explained to her that it's okay to pretend like there's a santa and have fun with it that way.. but i just couldn't bring myself to make her believe it as fact.. i've taken a similar approach with her & religion (a bit different though- not a straight up "there is no god".. more along the lines of pointing out that there are a whole bunch of different gods (living in nyc makes this a lot easier for her to recognize).. and that she needs not to believe everything someone tries to feed her (one set of grandparents are your typical southern u.s christians)
basically a sub-attempt at encouraging critical thinking as opposed to rote memorization
Jeff. My boys also have religious grandparents that do not approve of my lack of faith/belief, I allow my kids to make their own choices and if they want to attend church then so be it. They do go with the grandparents when on vacation as that always involves a good meal and treats after church. Both boys are not religious however both have learned about the Bible the Koran and Buddhism and if pushed they both said they preferred Buddhism.
My eldest is busy doing the application process for West point and it seems he will have to say he is of some Christian denomination as the recruiter advised that his chances of entering will to slim to none if he says he is non religious regardless of his almost perfect SAT scores and other requirements. What can you do?, nothing.
@solo said:
My eldest is busy doing the application process for West point and it seems he will have to say he is of some Christian denomination as the recruiter advised that his chances of entering will to slim to none if he says he is non religious regardless of his almost perfect SAT scores and other requirements.
That's ... weird.
I just watched the nearly three hours of that debate. I didn't realise until now that Ken Ham was Australian.
I'm very depressed and am off to shred my passport. The only upside is we managed to transport him to the states.
I'm not sure that anyone should take this debate too personally. As I can recall after watching it, it looks kinda "staged" meaning that they prepared this talk-show to be spectacular, knowing what will happen in the end. And mostly Mr. Ken Ham knew that his arguments will be invalid in the end, but still agreed to "play" this, for the amusement of the audience, let's say.
Just look at each other presentations at the beginning which contained references to the opponent's speech.
So, at least partly, this was a little staged. I won't argue here the things told in the debate (unless your name is Ken Ham, one simply CAN'T argue that), but I will say this was a show for masses. And it had its audience. I enjoyed it.
Just don't shred your passports))