Intentional use of camera clipping plane
hello everybody,
"clipping plane" in sketchup is mostly seen as an obsticle or bug introduced by open-gl.
I have a customer in the interior design business who switched (for kitchen planning) to sketchup and used another planning software before.
He was used to virtually walking around in the scene while the camera intentionally clipped away all obstructing geometry by a clipping funktion.
It works like a dynamic section plane mounted in front of the camera.
I told him to use the scene tabs and the section tool instead, or to hide and unhide objects between the scenes, but he insists, that if he was to fly through a tight interior design, as kitchens usually are, he must be able to spontaneously move through the scene, if a customer wants to see a special perspective.
He also doesn't like to work with the section plane tool very much.Is there any plugin or could someone out there imagine such a plugin?
your hints, answers or tipps are welcome and much appreciated
Thx in advance
Hi, Klaus:
Closest thing I can think of is the Walk Tool-- the two footprints on the Large Toolset toolbar. You can set collision control or not. -
Using the fog with near and far distance set the same? (It is zoom dependent...)
@cotty said:
Using the fog with near and far distance set the same? (It is zoom dependent...)
that's almost perfect - if only it was to work vice versa.
the fog-function is going to clip away the background - If it was instead clipping
away the foreground it was absolutely what I was looking for.Is someone out there, who could achieve this by writing a plugin ?
best regards and thx cotty for taking care
The concept of having a hemispherical section plane attached to the camera sounds wonderful, if someone can make it. Like poking your head through the walls.
But until then this relatively new plugin, Rich Section by Pgarmyn, might help.