Locked forums. Premium content...
I guess I missed the announcement to that. So what gives chaps? I'm not criticizing, though it's quite an unusual move for a forum to make, so I'd like to understand the benefits to me of joining in.
You can find some hints here ...
@rob d said:
I guess I missed the announcement to that. So what gives chaps? I'm not criticizing, though it's quite an unusual move for a forum to make, so I'd like to understand the benefits to me of joining in.
Hi Robin,
"So what gives", thanks for asking this question in plain language
I'm sad to say that very few actually are 'givers' when it comes to participation on the SketchUcation Community. What keeps things afloat are the few that actually give 100%+, the Moderators, Top SketchUcators, Ruby Developers, regularly Contributing Members also Management and of course our valued Sponsors.
Premium Membership has been introduced as a means for members that wish to support SketchUcation but do not have the time to make 'time / support' contributions. In return they get free content and discounts that far outweigh the cost of their support contributions. Also they are offered the opportunity to sell their content / services via the SketchUcation Shop system.
I trust these few lines explain matters. We are also 'all ears' should anyone have a better solution for keeping SketchUcation afloat and thriving.