A New Ink Style
I'm working on some new sketchy styles for 2014. Here's a sample of the first one.
Same style at 4000 pixels wide.
Looks great although the table and the chairs are small parts, this is often a problem with sketchy styles!
It's not so much the small parts that can be problematic with sketchy styles, it's the short line segments. The shortest segments I can make with Style Builder are 16 pixels long. if segments are shorter than that they drop out. And when there are unwelded curves such as there are in the chairs, the short line segments make for a rough looking edge. The curves on the table work fine because I went through and welded all of them. I wish Recurve or Loop Lab could iterate through the geometry in a component and weld all so this wasn't a problem.
I went through the chair and welded the longitudinal hidden edges on the legs, posts and spindles. It looks better that way, I think.