X-ray transparency settings?
Does anyone know if I can change the X-ray transparency amount?
Check the rendering options hash of the model object.
I guess not
Didn't find anything useful here:
http://www.sketchup.com/intl/en/developer/su-api/rendering__options_8h.html -
This would be fixed if LO had simple opacity controls in layers.
You can only get/set and toggle Xray-mode on/off using:
Sketchup.active_model.rendering_options["ModelTransparency"] Sketchup.active_model.rendering_options["ModelTransparency"]=true Sketchup.active_model.rendering_options["ModelTransparency"]=false
The amount of Xray-mode's 'opacity' is 'hard-coded'
Fredo has made a pseudo Xray-mode tool [can't recall it's name off-hand
], which works on selected objects, but that just swaps to similar but translucent materials [you could customize the amount of transparency in it] - so although it mimics Xray for parts of the model, it is only useful 'graphically' in images - there are none of the Xray-mode's advantages - like being able to pick 'through' intervening faces etc...