Made a sale!!!!
The file has every mistake in it you can have, I think. Layers are messed up. Not all solids. etc, etc. But, I drew everything in one day, exported as a series of jpgs and sold the job of building the cabs for $12 grand. The wainscot walls and coffered ceiling are there but he got to see what it would all look like! Gotta love it! Just wait till I'm not a newbe!
Congrats! Nice feeling to present and be rewarded with a job. Looks like you are well on your way modeling. I guessed you were in CA by the background, before I checked your profile.
Yes it does feel good. Before I joined here I never did anything on a computer but game and check my Email. It wasn't till I went to Woodcrafters and overheard some guys talking about Sketchup that I got interested. That was a year ago, and I have had quite the learning curve based on the above and that I'm now 60 trying what I should have done years ago, and I still work full time......If I can do it ANYONE can
By the way if you turn on layers you see more....
Nice one Mike! Looks like you will be using SketchUp to 'sell' more in the future.