Projet NEO CITY 2025
That is an incredible amount of work!
Wow, very ambitious project, and very well done! What is the purpose of all this amazing work, I mean do you plan on making it into some sort of animated movie or what? Did you do all the modeling, and was everything done in SU?
I like the background music, set the mood very nicely.
Again, well done
very kool... you will surely have a job in the new dystopian future.. tons of work... awesomeness.
P.S. I will have a robot dog.
Cool but colors are missing!
Very cool, Maxime.
How long did it take to do everything?
Good work ! It's great to see something a little different and another use for sketch up. Like others i'm impressed by the amount of work and detail. The file size must have been crippling. I guess you had multiple files and merged them at the end ? Reminds of Bladerunner or Sin City.
Thank you everyone, I was so pleased to hear all the positive feedback.
Here is my reply to those that asked me questions..
hellnbak -> I undertook the project entirely for pleasure, I started off on the premise of making an apartment building and finally ended up creating a mini scenario within an entire town. I modelled all of the architectural design myself except the people, cars and robots; and yes, all using SU.
Pilou -> Well noticed there is a lack of colour, I donβt like colour, I prefer sobriety ^^
ken28875 -> How much time did it take?? No idea, about 4 months of intensive work I thinkcheddar -> Yes I had several files, each location had its own file of which I made 3 copies as the biggest file was 120Mo. My source of inspiration was indeed Blade Runner, Dredd, I Robot J
Your imagination and skills are to be desired !!!
Great work, great attention to details and great compositions !! It will make a nice animated movie !! -
O-o-o! ....
cool Sketchup!