How draw given arc radius tangent between 2 arc
I know how to draw an arc that is tangent to 2 line or if one of the line is an arc using truetangent(byTIG) plugin but is there a way or plugin that can do it with 2 arcs?
So you have this "arc given" and you must to put it somewhere ?
Are you sure there is a place for that ?
That one is existing maybe but a "given one" I am some septic!
here there is an infinity between 3.5 to 3.6 arc radius
but if your arc radius given is 2.5 you will have never find one !Even on your semi closed 2 arcs show above if the "arc radius given" is more than the maximum acceptable you will never find one!
Good luck
PS If you want make real easy geometry try MOI 3D
(so no need headache of my document above
There is an infinite demo without save but enough sufficient! (see my images above)
Just make a snapshot of the screen(Key Print Screen and past it on your favorite 2D Prog!
You have even a script for save the screen at any sizeReplace the x,y 2560 and 2560 by any that you want but carreful it's following your hard memory! (so make some trying
script:var v = moi.ui.getActiveViewport(); if ( v != null ) { moi.view.lineWidth = 4; v.renderToClipboard( 2560, 2560 ); moi.view.lineWidth = 1; }
Thanks so much for the well illustrated geometry, is exactly what i need to know! Problem solved.