Pibuz Gallery (very wip: expect loooong update times)
Wow Chris....baby....
All the best mate.
That's very kind thank you . I have been busy Sid, a total different life
@Pibuz: sorry for the little thread hijack -
Kwisten don't be silly! Congratulations from me too!!
Thanks a lot Oli and Rick: I often use your works as inspiration -
So, time to update the thread a little! These are some recent and less recent works from me!
some other ones: all the following images relate to the same renovation project.
Wow, some very impressive works. You have a firm grasp on realism.
Hi guys!
I'm here to drop a couple new renders, done with Indigo Renderer!All SketchUp, Indigo and Photoshop!
Hope you like!
Very impressive work!
Day and night shots as every year ... really love the architecture and the indoor design - you've got the feeling...
Another one.
This is a test of native Indigo Aperture Diffraction over some Edison bulbs I found on the warehouse.
The composition is made 90% from a model by Nizar Kwafi: I only changed some textures and the lightbulb models.
Here is the result! Hope you like it!Here is the original composition by Nizar:
https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=u0d715e32-7b26-4716-9cf7-39f59d63a80eHere is the lightbulbs model:
very clear and nice renderings!
Here is a couple of recent shots I did for a project of our firm.
I fear this is the final version.
One of the best Gallery threads on this forum!
Excellent work.
Very alive and cool renders!
A new work!