Dynamic Components Bug
Hello all!
IĀ“ve been constructing a catalog of furnitures for the place I work, and the dynamic components have presented a weird bug.
When I insert one component from the 3D Warehouse, change one of its atributes, and then add another dynamic component, if I try to change its atributes, it doesnĀ“t work for the whole component.DonĀ“t know why this happens, or if itĀ“s a previously mentioned bug (if it is, IĀ“m sorry for creating another post for it, didnĀ“t find it on previous posts).
Hi, I am currently building some dynamic components, "pcmoor", for building construction. I too have been frustrated, however I believe the problem is in editing independent of the main model. For example before reusing a previous component to build the next, copy within a main model, then make all parts unique, use the outliner to select all the sub components at once, then make unique. thus any changes will not effect similar components. Then if you want too place into another file. One day someone needs to write a book....interested?