Nodebased GUI [WIP]
Many things will of course be inspired by Grasshopper or Dynamo(Revit). But (at least at first) I'm thinking more of a simpler design tool. Just connecting nodes and adjusting values.(the first betas probably wont be advanced anyway)
I wish this one to be relatively easy to use (in Sketchup fashion), yet possible to perform different tasks with plenty of nodes to choose from.
One has to think about performance before ordering the whole dish. I can't test that properly until I'm almost done with the core and have many nodes to play with.
Grasshopper appears to have real visual programming with python or VB (?).
But we already have various ruby-consols for doing that kind of stuff with Ruby, although connecting nodes facilitates things I suppose. So it's open for debate...Linking the result(baking) to a Dynamic Component was an idea I had.
Problem is dynamic components is not documented in the API and information is sparse.
Also there are some ethical questions involved. But one do have to render the result somehow if creating an entity, so that part is under invastigation.I'll post something when/if I have something more intresting to show.
Working with the JS/Ruby core I only have created a few nodes for testing, since I'm at the design/redesign stage. So there's visually not much to show yet.
I might add nodes bit by bit to do be able to perform more advanced tests, so maybe that will be a good moment.I find it a little troublesome having to switch between JS and Ruby all the time. It's easy to loose the momentum, that adds to the development time.(a little whining
Yea - I've been making wrappers, so I can control most webdialog content from Ruby classes. Allows me to work without leaving Ruby space - and I don't have to repeat myself for common operations.
Did not think about that "reward" doing wrappers. That sounds very efficient indeed, when setup is done that is.
At this stage I think I'll keep going as is. But when the code feels more solid and certain I might convert to that. Thanks for the idea -
Hi guys,
you should take a look at the work of Eric Cheung:
"graphical relationship script sequencer on Sketchup: current progress 3"I Hope that it will help you
Hi baldman. Have not seen that one before.
@unknownuser said:
I Hope that it will help you
You mean help deciding if I should continue developping this plugin or not ?
I'm not going to waste my time developping a plugin if someone else has similar working project with status ready for release. That would be silly..
Maybe as a side project with less priority then, cause I do have something going on..Looks like he's going svg(d3.js ?) all the way. Might be difficult to link to webdialog.
Although seams like he's in Sketchup already hammering..How's the status of this coming program ?
The links are over a year old. -
December 1, 2011 by eric
Still in development? Or has it stopped? -
Hi, apparently Eric's most recent last is dated June 3 -
Joel, IMHO or if you will suggestion is reaching out. It appears Eric is not in on this forum and may well enjoy and/or benefit himself from what SketchUcation folks have to offer... It doesn't hurt to ask or invite him over.
. Diego .
@unknownuser said:
Hi, apparently Eric's most recent last is dated June 3 -
I really do not know what to make of that. Don't understand the status of the project.
Until I have more detailed info I probably continue as usual, don't know what else to do.@unknownuser said:
Joel, IMHO or if you will suggestion is reaching out. It appears Eric is not in on this forum and may well enjoy and/or benefit himself from what SketchUcation folks have to offer... It doesn't hurt to ask or invite him over.
I understand you good will in saying that. I need to work on this plugin at my pace with my ideas, otherwise I will be lost due to less experience in programming.
Hope that came out modestly enough, don't wanna sound harsh. -
Hi Jolran,
I believe your development style is much better. Your big plus is consistency of development and communication. I believe from time to time someone tries to program something but nobody really can be consistent, but you are !!! Actually i was wondering if something like that already exists in china and i didn't find anything, but i will keep looking there is a lot of interesting stuff in there.
kind regards
D. -
Hello Jolran,
sorry if I disturbed you.
I know nothing about coding, I'm just an everyday Sketchup user.
I think that you guys coders and developpers are like shamans dealing with something that is like magic for me.
When I'm working on something I always want to know if others are also digging in the same direction and I try to get in touch with them to exchange thoughts and ideas.
This guy, Eric, is explaining the problems he meets trying to achieve his script sequencer, I just thought it would help you. But everyone has its own way and some prefer staying focused on their own stuff.
Please continue your own way, we are thousands Sketchup user behind you! -
Thank you for your kind words DOD3r
I don't think I'm particulary consistent in developping, though. And my style
surely could be criticised
It does look like this Eric guy has done quite some spectacular things, but may
have been discouraged by the usual performance bottleneck issues in Ruby API.
Woulden't be the first one..
Although looks like he's using the C++ API and building a dialog on top of an external
program? Not sure about that.
Anyway like I said, business as usual. I see no reason so far to quit just yet.Try to do my best and update information when I have any. Sometimes in may not be
interesting for the masses, but can send out a signal developpment is still going on.@unknownuser said:
Actually i was wondering if something like that already exists in china and i didn't find anything, but i will keep looking there is a lot of interesting stuff in there.
Thanks for looking out.
Hi Baldman.
Sorry must have typed a message when your came in.
You don't have to apologize
You did a fine job finding that link. God knows how much I have searched for info about the subject..It's actually interesting read to see he's explorations(they are quite advanced).
So again, many thanks for the information and don't stop bringing in the news, good or bad.
Here's another "shaman", Bret Victor, talking about "Drawing Dynamic Visualizations" in this presentation: and his website:!/DrawingDynamicVisualizationsTalkAddendumHope you'll all enjoy!
. Diego .
Thanks Diego, good info!
I scidded through it cause it was quite long, but interesting indeed.
I wonder where/when the prototype will be launched(from your second link) ? -
For those still interested in this topic, I started a new thread here:;t=58195