Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
No worries. Mixing your own is easy.
I gave up using my EVOD for out and about. Kanger have changed the coils and as a result they are very inconsistent, don't last as long and are costing too much to replace.
Anyway, after not using my Kayfun for a month or so, I recoiled it and was blown away!! I see why I fell in love with it; it's just so consistent and loads of creamy vapour. The Kayfun Version 4 is coming out soon too, wonder what that will be like. My Kayfun 3.1 has been discontinued now, I guess it's because the fill-up valve is easy to block; I just unscrew mine and fill up from the top, so much easier and quicker.
@olishea said:
No worries. Mixing your own is easy.
I gave up using my EVOD for out and about. Kanger have changed the coils and as a result they are very inconsistent, don't last as long and are costing too much to replace.
Anyway, after not using my Kayfun for a month or so, I recoiled it and was blown away!! I see why I fell in love with it; it's just so consistent and loads of creamy vapour. The Kayfun Version 4 is coming out soon too, wonder what that will be like. My Kayfun 3.1 has been discontinued now, I guess it's because the fill-up valve is easy to block; I just unscrew mine and fill up from the top, so much easier and quicker.
I always fill my Kayfuns (clones) from the top. It's indeed as easy as filling a clearomiser. I take it you are familiar with the 'hold your finger on the airhole' trick to avoid leaking.
I totally get what you mean with the Evods, I am not using them either any more, they are loud, they don't last long and eventually they either taste burnt or leak. I only like them for their stealthy form factor.
My daily stealth and bring-to-work gear consists of Iclear16's. They are fabulous when you know how to work them. It's a warm tasty little vape with not too much vapor (stealth) and a good throat hit. Trick is to fill regular so you're always more than half filled and use the lowest voltage you can. Then they last a really long time.As to Kayfuns and at-home-vape-gear in general , Kayfuns are good.... however I am totally in love with the Taifun GT at this stage. My Kayfuns are in the cupboard as I see myself taking the Taifun over anything else
As to cartomizers (your earlier post), I suggest only going for double punched cartos.
Boge LR really are the best performing ones. In general, cartos give a very consistent vape, no leaking. The draw is tight because the juice is typically soaked in filler material, so you really need the double punched or slotted ones. The flavour is very 'typical', a bit muted but fine. It is considered the old fashioned way of vaping, however a lot of people still consider it as the best all day vape with the least hassle. -
@kwistenbiebel said:
I always fill my Kayfuns (clones) from the top. It's indeed as easy as filling a clearomiser. I take it you are familiar with the 'hold your finger on the airhole' trick to avoid leaking.
Yeah I always put thumb over the airhole but it still floods a bit. Do you have to hold it upside down when you screw it back up or something? Only floods a tiny bit but it's still wasted E-liquid.
I found a place that does really cheap E-Liquid in the bulk and wholesale prices. I ordered 200ml of Vimto flavour (which is AMAZING), should be here on tuesday or wednesday.
You can buy liquid up to 25 litres in capacity!! It basically works out to be nearly 10 times cheaper than buying premixed 10ml bottles. Basically it works out to be 50 pence per bottle instead of £5 and it gets cheaper the more you buy.
I do like mixing my own liquids but the flavourings are expensive for what they are. The liquid is so cheap from this website that it negates the money saved by mixing my own. So hopefully I've found a good place to get cheap liquid in nice flavours.
Hi Oli,
To fill the Kayfun from the top, I always cover the airhole while filling.
When screwing on the cap, only screw it on a couple of threads and then turn the kayfun upside down. Once the liquid has settled down, you can release your thumb from the airhole and screw the top cap fully tight. It never leaks for me that way. -
@kwistenbiebel said:
Hi Oli,
To fill the Kayfun from the top, I always cover the airhole while filling.
When screwing on the cap, only screw it on a couple of threads and then turn the kayfun upside down. Once the liquid has settled down, you can release your thumb from the airhole and screw the top cap fully tight. It never leaks for me that way.Thanks Chris! I was holding it upside down but not for long enough. I was trying to do it as quick as possible.
Do you use a stainless wick with your Taifun? I was looking into buying one but I'm gonna wait to see what the Kayfun V4 looks like.
Hope everyone is getting on well with vaping!
Just switched to the Aspire nautilus tank and atomizers, what an amazing vape experience, love the adjustable airflow.
I recommend highly.
Looks great Pete. My vape shop has started selling them but I wanted to know what they were like first.
Which coil do you use? 1.6 or 1.8?
How long are the coils lasting compared to your Vivi?
My mother got the Kanger Protank 3 which now has dual coils....I have to say the flavour is much improved and it looks like the coils are lasting longer too. You can also buy an adjustable airflow ring for the Protank 3 which pretty much turns it into the Aerotank.
Kanger also do the Aerotank which has adjustable airflow as standard:
It's still nowhere near as nice as my kayfun though!
@unknownuser said:
Which coil do you use? 1.6 or 1.8?
How long are the coils lasting compared to your Vivi?
I am using the 1.8 @ 4.2
It has been a week today and still on same coil, still strong.
i did it "cold Turkey" 6.5 years now
@solo said:
@unknownuser said:
Which coil do you use? 1.6 or 1.8?
How long are the coils lasting compared to your Vivi?
I am using the 1.8 @ 4.2
It has been a week today and still on same coil, still strong.
Cheers, please let me know how long they last on average when you've been using it for a while.
The adjustable airflow should help the coils last longer
Are you using the Nautillus on your Provari..?
For some time now I have been considering getting a backup for my Provari....just in case it decides to fail....!
After all, nothing lasts forever, and I'd hate to think I was stranded and unable to vape.
So, my question is, can anyone recommend an inexpensive but reasonably reliable unit I can keep handy as a backup ?
Another Provari!
Haha just kidding. I bought my mother a Smoktech SID. VV and VW with OLED screen. Comes with all the tubes for various size batteries.
It's 4 times cheaper than a Provari. Just don't expect the finish to be as perfect, or feel as good in the hand. Still does the job though.
Speaking of Provari, I might get another. The mini one I have runs out of battery far too quickly, even an EGO battery seems to last longer.
So I'm probably going to get an extension cap or just get another Provari and retire my old one as a spare. I've seen dozens of different mods and nothing touches the Provari quality IMO. The thing with Provari too, is they get better with age, looking all rugged and used...I love it! The only other one I'd consider is the Semovar.
Check out this mobile phone mod:
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Also check out Cloud 9's big battery mods....they only sell the best/safest stuff, tried and tested.
The SvoeMesto Semovar is also one of the best mods out there. Quality seems to rival the Provari. It's from the same maker as the Kayfun.
Thanks Oli.
Maybe it's not so silly to spend another $200 on another Provari. I'd be hard pressed to justify spending that sort of money on a backup device, but then again, if my Provari decides to go toes up I'd buy another one's worth pondering...but maybe a cheap backup to get me over the line if it happens is the way to go in the meantime.
Vapeking in Australia are selling the Smoketech SID for $29.95 (half price)....might get one...!
Oli, just get some new batteries....I get between 24 and 36 hours out of a battery (vaping at 4.8V generally gives me 24 hours, whereas 4.2V will last about 36 hours....seems to be a bit less on weekends though because I vape a bit more often.
I have 4 batteries I can go away for several days without worrying about recharging.
...and they have sold out at a whopping $699 each....!!
hmmmmmm....I reckon I can see a modelling challenge for the Steampunk experts in the main forum
That looks crazy!! I must admit though, I'm a fan of the Lord of the Rings style pipes. Can imagine looking really smug vaping away with one of those haha
Thanks for battery info, mine does literally last 2 hours @4.2volts. I was just suckered in by the "dimple" design of the provari looks great but it's totally impractical.
Yeah that price is very good indeed. I can't see any fault with the SID, it just doesn't feel as good as a provari in the hand that's all. It comes with all the tubes so you can carry on using your big batteries if need be.
Anyway, doesn't the provari come with a lifetime guarantee? Or is that just the cheapest one?
Also you can get the Thor hammer!
To anyone who cares....I broke down the cost of DIY E-Liquid into price per ml. This is based on the price of the ingredients I buy in the UK. You can probably get nicotine cheaper in bulk quantities.
Nicotine......20 pence per ml
PG..............3.6 pence per ml
VG..............3.6 pence per ml
Flavouring..38 pence per mlAs you can see, the flavouring is actually the most expensive part of the mixing process, not the nicotine.
So a 100ml 60/40 mix of 12mg E-Liquid with 10% flavour costs me £10.50 to make.
That's £1.05 per 10ml bottle. They are normally £3.50-£6 in the shops. A massive saving.