Kerky bump issue
This is a bump pattern in Kerkythea but probably this sort of thing relates to other programs...
In the picture the bump of the horizontal joints seem right but not the vertical ones. On the same wall at other lamps it all looks fine (further away). If I invert it I would get it all looking wrong. It as if the light is coming from the wrong direction, yet joints are still recessed.
Any ideas? Thanks, Peter
is your face reversed?
Nope. (but would I ever admit it here, if it were?!)
though, your map seems wrong since reliefs should correspond to white areas. Note that the material preview has a bug and works on the contrary way
I was curious if I had run up to a common mistake. I want to find a better bump anyway so I'll see if once i get, or make a new texture, I'll find the right results. Thanks for the replies.
@tridem said:
though, your map seems wrong since reliefs should correspond to white areas. Note that the material preview has a bug and works on the contrary way
I believe tridem is right. You need to invert colors of the bump map.