[Plugin] Face2Frame - Updated 27-Mar-2014
First, thanks sdmitch for a great plugin. In addition to being very promising for modelling, it has pushed me to actually try to modify a plugin myself.@jolran said:
Hm, noticed some perculiar behavior. Dialog did not show up after 1 execution.
I think I might have fixed this by removing the lines 58 ("unless @@dlg") and 118 ("end").
This (to my understanding) makes the dialog load the defaults each time you select the Frame it option. I haven't tested this much so idk if it causes any other problems.
Carl, if you would please refer back to my original post you will find this.
@unknownuser said:
Just so you know, I am not an architech or carpenter. What this plugin produces is my interpretation of what a stud wall looks like and does not attempt to comply with any standard building practices or codes so use with caution.
and I have no plans to go any further with this plugin. -
@siim11s said:
I think I might have fixed this by removing the lines 58 ("unless @@dlg") and 118 ("end").
This (to my understanding) makes the dialog load the defaults each time you select the Frame it option. I haven't tested this much so idk if it causes any other problems.
Line 58 was just an attempt to keep from loading multiple webdialogs but what ever works is OK with me.
Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong.
I create a face, but when I select "Frame It" all I get are 2D lines on my face.I have attached a screenshot of what I am talking about.
Thank You for this great plugin, I'm sure it will be very useful to me, once I figure it out.
That's the back-face ?
I can use mine on a front face or back face. That's strange behavior. Did you make any selections on the menu or just use it straight away? Did you hit enter?
I get the same results, if I select an option, and then hit enter, or not make any selections at all.
something is broken... I don't have this issue. can you try removing all your plugins except this one and restarting SU. just as an experiment.
Also post your option settings - it might be a units issue ?
And what version of OS and SU are you running?
question regarding this tool...whats the edge tool, CorG tool and Misc tool?
Did I miss something?Nice framer though.
@mics_54 said:
question regarding this tool...whats the edge tool, CorG tool and Misc tool?
Did I miss something?Nice framer though.
No you didn't miss anything. I created the various sub-menus as a way of seperating the vari0us plugins of mine.
@trimguy66 said:
I get the same results, if I select an option, and then hit enter, or not make any selections at all.
Please open the Ruby Console and then run the plugin. An error is occurring and this will tell me what it is.
Nice blog! You have so many plugins! You now have the dubious distinction of being in my favorites under SU Ruby!
He's addicted to the coding challenge... He cannot resist a challenge.
@sdmitch said:
Please open the Ruby Console and then run the plugin. An error is occurring and this will tell me what it is.
I have this error
Try downloading and installing again you shouldn't be getting that.
@unknownuser said:
He's addicted to the coding challenge... He cannot resist a challenge.
Thanks for all the replies !!
I uninstalled the plugin, and then reinstalled, by saving to my desktop and then dropping in to my plugins folder. I am still getting the same results.
I am running Windows 7 / SU 8
I haven't tried removing all my other plugins, and restarting SU yet.
I am hoping that the ruby console will shed some light on my problem, before I go through removing all the plugins.Thanks,
You have helpfully posted the RC error message BUT you have scrolled it, so the most important lines telling us what has just happened are missing.
Could you recreate the error and post the entire error message again.
Once we know what the error says then sdmitch can probably goand see what to trap/fix...
I doubt very much it is a clash - more likely a simply coding error that occurs when particular parameters are chosen for a certain form of face etc... I'd expect it to be relatively easy to fix once the full RC error is known