Is there anywhere I can download a Theatre model for Sketchu
I want to know if there is anywhere I can download a theatre model for Sketchup somewhat similar to a broadway theatre and/ or London West End...I have had a look on 3d warehouse but not found any results really....I am a set designer looking for more inspiration.
Anyone???? I really need to know!
Look this Link
I hope this helps youRegards
Pedro -
I have 2 or 3 MORE about flies/LX/sight lines not the auditorium.
In other words the backstage. 700 seater 1200 seater 240 seater and 2 or 3 more -
Thanks Pedrinalex but...That was the first one I downloaded and wasn't as good as it looks on the image
I was hoping for one with full interior.
Here is 1 I have others the (pros theatre) pentastar is 10 Mb ish
@iamlegend123456 said:Anyone???? I really need to know!
@iamlegend123456 said:
Thanks Pedrinalex but...That was the first one I downloaded and wasn't as good as it looks on the image
I was hoping for one with full interior.
[size=100]More hope this may help[
Wow TECHDAVE02 that theatre looks pretty amazing! Is there anyway I can download it?
Thanks Jack