Roof Terrace
Here is a roof terrace in Manhattan that I'm working on for one of the firms I work with. Its my first shot at using the Ivy plugin.. pretty cool, I could definitely use some practice though with the variables, but was limited on time since this more or less done in a day.
Let me know where you think it can be improved.. rendered in Thea for SketchUp.. background/sky added in pshop. I like the first way way better than the second, but couldn't come up with a good composition for the second.
Jason, it is looking great, I like your brick textures, but there are 2 things I found strange: the ivy leaves look weird and IMHO the sky doesn't match 100% with the lighting... anyway it is a nice job done in a very little time...
V -
yes.. it looks like ivy after a dry summer.. haha. but i was having mixed results and just had to stick with something. maybe i should've tried bigger leaves.
Great looking rendering, Jason, although ivy growing on a building is never a good idea. It will grow into every nook, cranny, and crack it can find.
Yeah, I wish was there.
yeah... ivy is definitely not the best idea but its already more or less all covered with ivy, PLUS i have absolutely nothing to do with the design haha.. i'm just the messenger.