One or more buildings
Hi fellow sketchupians.
I am about to model this building in Norway: question is, would you do this as one, or more buildings for google earth?
That's a whole block. According to the SketchUp to Google Earth modelling guide lines, each building in the block should be a separate model to submit.
You can model them together however (best practice to keep the buildings perfectly aligned) but make each building a separate component. Once done, go to the Component browser and right click on each component (the whole buildings only, if you use nested subcomponents) and "Share component" from there. They will now be shared and uploaded separately.
One thing tho, that is not very visible from the photo. The "Center" of this blosck is raised. The whole inner of the block is raised to a second floor. Does this change your previous answer? -
Well, here is the guide line for the individual buildings: you can also add a (small) "terrain skirt" (which I would use for that central area if it is only raised and not a building like a garage):
But make sure that small is small. Like it should not extend out of the yard in your case, I guess. Here is the guide line: all the guide lines: