Just idea
I was thinking of an utility:
run the tool or plugin,
draw something and it is selected when you click on another tool.
does this inspire you?
Let say you have plugin call automatic selection, you active it.
as far as it is active, when you draw something, like a circle it is automatically selected
I know there is "Select last entity drawn"http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=9892 but you must active it after drawing something, and you must active it after each operation.
By the way it works fine and found it after posting.
I was rather thinking of a recorder, let say you draw a polyline when you change of tool for example Move, the polyline is automatically selected
Is this maybe like a special history stack?
@unknownuser said:
a recorder, let say you draw a polyline when you change of tool for example Move, the polyline is automatically selected
And when you have drawn an arc, then take the tool rectangle the arc is drawn to the first click of the rectangle ?
Seems very complex for a curious ergonomySeems my request more urgent for Thomthom
yes, recording what was made by a tool and what was drawn when leaving the tool.
This is not a request, just idea.
I do believe there are a few "Selection Memory" plugins
the idea was not a selection memory , but to select what is being drawn.