Handy website
Instant artist statement
If you're an artist and have been slaving away for hours at your artist statement - and it's still going nowhere - then this website is for you. One-click artist statements, for free.
artybollocks generator (www.artybollocks.com)
I love the licensing requirements.
I Got: As shimmering derivatives become clarified through emergent and personal practice, the viewer is left with a glimpse of the darkness of our world.
ha! awesome..
im in the process of hiring someone to write that crap about me.. looks like i just saved some dough though!@unknownuser said:
My work explores the relationship between consumerist fetishism and emotional memories.
With influences as diverse as Derrida and Miles Davis, new synergies are distilled from both orderly and random structures.
Ever since I was a child I have been fascinated by the theoretical limits of the universe. What starts out as hope soon becomes finessed into a cacophony of greed, leaving only a sense of failing and the inevitability of a new undefined.
As wavering forms become undefined through studious and academic practice, the viewer is left with a statement of the inaccuracies of our world. -
@unknownuser said:
im in the process of hiring someone to write that crap about me.. looks like i just saved some dough though!
I'm about to accept a similar job.
@unknownuser said:
I'm about to accept a similar job.
really? damn.. i wish you were in new york..
i tried doing this before though all communications were electronic and i wasn't too satisfied with the results.. like i feel i have a hard time expressing myself using only words and do better if i can also use gestures/body language as a means of communication so i'm trying a coffee meetup then more formal sit down this time around.. -
Don't you have a friend who can help you out? It's a lot easier explaining yourself to someone you know and trust. Don't bother with opaque lingo either. Don't know about you, but I'd choose Hemingway over Baudrillard any day.
Use a single paragraph per concept, ensure each paragraph has a beginning, middle and end (e.g. proposition, argumentation, conclusion), and make sure your text as a whole has the same structure (meaning that if you're discussing 4 concepts, your text will consist of 6 paragraphs) -and you'll be fine. Won't be literature, though. Then, it needn't be.
it is really handy dear mate.
also for a nonnative English person like me, this was handy too: