Missing "View unread posts • View new posts • View ..."
any word on this gai?
(@marcus- i do have the scf/forums bookmarked and i guess i could make a secondary one for new posts but i'd rather have just the one if possible)
@unknownuser said:
(@marcus- i do have the scf/forums bookmarked and i guess i could make a secondary one for new posts but i'd rather have just the one if possible)
Have you considered making a bookmarks folder for scf stuff & putting that in the Bookmarks Bar (or the equivalent if you aren't using Safari)? You can then add as many bookmarks to it as you want & they will all have one click access, yet won't clutter up the browser interface with lots of individual bookmarks.
I have organized all my often used bookmarks that way, with one bookmarks folder for all the SketchUp-related pages that I frequent, another for Mac-related stuff, & so on. I find it a real time saver, if for no other reason than I don't have to scroll long web pages to wherever the built-in links appear on the page.
view new post is my favorite button in the world...
Oddly I never ever browse the forums that way. Maybe I should start.
@krisidious said:
view new post is my favorite button in the world...
I'm with you on that, I look forward to it everyday. Does that mean I should get out more?
I have mine bookmarked as well. -
@livemixer said:
Have you considered making a bookmarks folder for scf stuff & putting that in the Bookmarks Bar (or the equivalent if you aren't using Safari)? You can then add as many bookmarks to it as you want & they will all have one click access, yet won't clutter up the browser interface with lots of individual bookmarks.
i have that setup for some other bookmarks but i haven't tried it with scf..
the main problem with that is i sync bookmarks with all devices/browsers and the dropdown/folder bookmarks don't quite work the same on iDevices as they do on macs.. (and it's the phones when not on wifi where it becomes a hassle to continually go to the index page instead of a newposts button simply because of the slower load times..)that said, if i make the bookmark folder as you suggest, the newposts link should pop up in the address bar in front of all the other history/suggestions.. i'll try it out
Jeff, that's where Tapatalk works best for phones.
@solo said:
Jeff, that's where Tapatalk works best for phones.
agree.. i'm using tapatalk more and more lately.. (but i started in on this thread prior to finding out about that jewel of an app
but i was just pointing out that the lack of a newposts button can make for some more problematic browsing when away from a standard computer which more and more people are doing these days..
New posts will return.
We just needed a little holiday over Xmas.
Sent from my iPad
For Windows users only
ha! so sweet of you
Holidays over xmas for Windows users only?!
Finally, it's there everywhere. Nice!
Thank you...