50s bunkbed model
Hi All, seems like this would be a place to post a model of a kids' bunkbed. I did a quick model of a bunkbed I have that was my wife's father's old bed that our kids now have. I measured it and drew it up in sketchup for space-planning purposes. The pieces can be put into two single beds too. Anyway, hope it's useful to some.
Very nice.
My brother and I grew up sharing a room and we had similar bunk beds. There was no rail for the top bunk. the taller headboards had turned balls that screwed onto these double-ended lag screws. When the balls were removed there was a nice sharp point on which a child could easily be impaled or lose an eye. You had to remove those balls to put the upper bunk on top of the lower ones. Those bunk beds would be illegal now because they would cause instant death.
My brother and I never had any problems. Well, there was that one time when he was a junior in high school when he fell out of the top bunk onto the hardwood floor after he came home drunk.
Thanks! Actually, the railings are not original, I put those on when I put it together. It had a removable railing for one side only, but it was in poor shape (stupid design actually - it was a wider piece of wood forked to rest on the bed frame - the wood was splitting along the grain, go figure.)
Funny, I remember having a bunkbed I shared with my younger sister for a while, and I don't recall it having railings either. No drunken stupors thoughYeah, things are different today with what is acceptable for health and safety and what's not. Still, gotta let the kids out in the mud sometimes though
@andybot said:
seems like this would be a place to post a model of a kids' bunkbed.
except that I didn't quite notice this subforum - Would it make sense for this post to be moved over there? Thanks, Andy
It's fine here but I can move it if you want.
You're right about the kids getting into the mud once in awhile. They need to fall off the monkey bars and swings a time or two. It'll teach them good lessons.
@dave r said:
It's fine here but I can move it if you want.
Yes, thanks. Funny thing is, I saw that forum, but only read the materials and styles part. I don't automatically associate "component" = model. It'll help me remember where to look next time