Spaceship (Collaborative Project)
This ship is interesting, again a mix of the styles this ship, nice -
@Marian- something here to play around with
I like the shape, but the geometry makes it very difficult to work with. It's too high poly.
I either use low poly objects that I build up into complex shapes or I make low poly objects on which I use SDS/Artisan to then have an organic shape and then I add details. This way it's very easy to make modifications and work only on the shape without details getting in the way.
I could redo a low poly version, this was just a quick example I threw together to get some ideas flowing, any other suggestions?
That would be great. Just simplify the geometry and leave the panelling and other small details for when we have the whole ship in a coherent shape.
Like you is a challenge to adapt to each other's styles, but I'm hoping we'll both learn something new. Sorry if I may sound harsh sometimes.
No bothers, I'll get started on this laters.
@unknownuser said:
Sorry if I may sound harsh sometimes.
Ha don't worry about it, I taught your design was shite too
We will get somewhere eventually, just going to take time -
@iichiversii said:
I taught your design was shite too
Well that is harsh. -
most of the time different styles collide, taught I would throw that in there.
So have you any new models in relation to this monstrosity? -
No, nothing new.
So...should we start looking at making another ship from scratch?
The model you started has potential.
Sure, have you any concept art from Dev you would like to use as reference?
I created that model from an idea I got from this concept, I was working on the top front of the model but like always I get carried away and end up doing my own thing, and that model is what I ended up, it was intended to be the front of the ship but it also has the potentional to be the thrusters, it's a good shape but what part of the ship would it be used for?
It should definitely be the front.
I have a lot of favourite ships....can't really decide on one that we should use as referecence.
Lets just write up a description of how it should look.
So it should be a 200m Exploration cruiser with a solid, sleek and sexy shape. It should look advanced, not a cluncker. It's not a warship so it's not full of weapons, though it should definitely have a few for protection and for experiments and other reasons. -
Hey this post has on average 100 views a day, I just relised that, ever get the feeling we are being watched,
So advanced and not a cluncker, streamlined explorer, you have my attention, sexy? Have you being reading "50 shades of Gray" lol, ok let's break it down, how many engines do we need? Is it just an orbital ship or can it land? Do we have a flight deck for shuttles etc...
@iichiversii said:
Hey this post has on average 100 views a day, I just relised that, ever get the feeling we are being watched,
I hope we'll eventually have something to show to the people watching us.
No, it's just orbital and might have a few shuttles...maybe attached to the hull?
We'll see if it needs more small modular engines or one big engine depending on the shape. -
I suggest 2 shuttles , I was thinking it would be best to contain them inside I'll give an example of how they dispatch, I think you might like this idea.
Now I think we will get something built, I'm studying your style over to see how I can merge mine with yours, and I have a few ideas
Congrads on the thea licence, you lucky dog
Thank you and I have to thank the Holy Laws of Hazard.
Are you looking at my gallery on DA?
Yes guys, you are being watched. Now, I'm just jealous of you two, because you're having fun and TIME to do this. But. I can't imagine what your ship will look like. You guys definitely know your sh.t with all that terminology, but I for one, don't know the difference.
"not a cluncker, streamlined explorer" and so on, but I think you should put here some references, if not for you, at least for us, the watchers.Like I said to Marian, I've already spent an evening browsing concept ships blog.
So, what are you guys building? -
@stefanq said:
Yes guys, you are being watched. Now, I'm just jealous of you two, because you're having fun and TIME to do this. But. I can't imagine what your ship will look like. You guys definitely know your sh.t with all that terminology, but I for one, don't know the difference.
"not a cluncker, streamlined explorer" and so on, but I think you should put here some references, if not for you, at least for us, the watchers.Like I said to Marian, I've already spent an evening browsing concept ships blog.
So, what are you guys building?Sure Stefang, we will explain our terminology in future, apologies mate, and cheers for the heads up