Spaceship (Collaborative Project)
Ummmm i still wasn't happy with the length so i made some more alterations to compact it even more, i'm a lot more happier with the shorter version, what ya think Marion?
Since i had the day off work i said id try and get ahead on this and give her some more fire power and more wings for lift during atmospheric flight, Marion wont know what hit him until he gets home from work to see this monstrosity....
You were right, it's pretty bad ass now.
Looking good guys.
Thanks Bryan.
Here's some more pics.
@bryan k said:
Looking good guys.
Thanks Bryan
Now Marion thats bad ass, you just made that "pencil ship" look like a beast.
That's some MEAN MACHINE !
@marian said:
I started doing something for the thrusters, but then I got a completely different idea. This is the way I normally work.
Salut Marian! Super idee! Modelul nu arata rau deloc.Cu putin noroc, cred ca aceasta nava o va inlocui pe cea din Star Trek:D
Oricum, am descarcat modelul si este super, dar desigur poti improviaza mult.
Mult noroc cu modelul si daca ai timp, arunca-ti un ochi si la video-ul meu, modelele fiind bineinteles create de mine in sketchup:
Te rog lasa-mi in comentarii, opinia ta!
Multa bafta!!! -
Damien, those pics look great. I was also thinking of rescaling your ship to fit the new look. Also have a look at the inside of my might find a cozy chairs or beds in it yet.
@ely862me said:
That's some MEAN MACHINE !
Thank you Ely.
@leonard96 said:
@marian said:
I started doing something for the thrusters, but then I got a completely different idea. This is the way I normally work.
Hi Marian! Super idea! The model does not look bad at all. With luck, I think this ship will replace the one in Star Trek
Anyway, I downloaded the model and it is great, but of course you can improve more.
Good luck with the model and if you have time, have a look at the video, the models are, of course, created by me in SketchUp:
Please let me know your opinion in the comments!
Good luck!Thanks Leonard, please try and write in English so all the visitors can understand.
Nothing will ever replace the Star Trek ships, they're classics loved by millions, i'd have to get ahold of some powerful brain washing machine.
Pretty cool film you have there, but it needs more spaceships to register on my radar, sorry.haha
Oh thats nice, i could just about swing a cat in there, looking forward to seen it all kitted out, get it, Cat, Kitted out, Ahhh never mind,
Time you boys wrap things up and start giving us something to play with, I want a render this model from y'all.
@solo said:
Time you boys wrap things up and start giving us something to play with, I want a render this model from y'all.
Lol, not too long now Pete, i would like to do some more finer details on my baby fighter, then a nice texture to finish it off, we will share the models for sure
@marian said:
Oh god Damien, I hope we don't have to wait another year for that texture.
Lol, don't ya worry u wont...
Oh god Damien, I hope we don't have to wait another year for that texture.
@solo said:
Time you boys wrap things up and start giving us something to play with, I want a render this model from y'all.
Renders will come, hopefully, soon. They ships need some more polish
Some tweaks plus a new landing gear.
Im impressed Marion
Looking better and better!
Just a simple render.