Spaceship (Collaborative Project)
I see your online, come on, what have you done to my baby
@iichiversii said:
I see your online, come on, what have you done to my baby
I've been rolling over it with a train....
I was on a train all day...didn't do anything to OUR baby.
Our baby
Is that your external bridge on top?
I like what I see, interesting shape, it could double as a small ship on its own
That's a cool idea.
I should of said nothing and taken all the credit myself
LOL You can still have a crack at it.
I sure will once I get in front of the laptop, iv an idea for this little ship already
You will let me, the cheek, I'll let myself to it, lol
Check my message now.
You can't edit a post, that cheating
I'll see what I can do with it
Good, then I'll leave its development up to you.
I'm very superstitious, did you notice what number page we are on