Spaceship (Collaborative Project)
I've done more work on the main body.
I'm not completely satisfied with it yet.
@Marion, I'm currently working on the updated version, iv come up with something which I think your really going to like, I won't have an example up tonight, I'll post tomorrow evening, but I'll explain what I'm doing with it, I took your main body and did a few alterations with the separation sequence in mind, from the first animation you see the front of the main body open as part of the sequence, in the modifications to the up to date model I'm applying a rear and side separation sequence, where the main body partially covers the pod but it is flushed with the pod so it's unnoticed until the separation sequence begins, the separation almost resembles the separation sequence on modern day rockets leaving the atmosphere, It gives a dramatic visual and more realistic seperation sequence I'm sure you will be impressed with what I have done, I won't add the mechanism for the separation until the end but it's a simple mechanism, no moving parts like hydrolics or hinges, simple rockets built into the parts which separate parts of the ship freeing the pod from the ship, bare with me on this, ill post later tomorrow
How many times did I say separation sequence
That sounds awesome
@iichiversii said:
How many times did I say separation sequence
5 times in the previous post and 1 time in another post on this page, that's a total of 6 times.
I'll try not to mention it again.
Are we adding a shuttle bay to this freak of nature?
@iichiversii said:
:lol: I'll try not to mention it again.
Are we adding a shuttle bay to this freak of nature?
I don't can separate in 3 pieces...does it need a shuttle?
If we keep the first size we talked about of 200 meters for the whole ship we might not need a shuttle.
An orbital ship which has no landing capabilities, how do people get off the ship without a shuttle
With care
So does the pod double as a shuttle?
I don't think so. It might be too big and it's not very aerodynamic...maybe.
I want to have the general shape of the whole ship finalised first and then we can think of adding stuff and improving it. -
you can fly it then, I'll take my chances with the vacuum of space
It will proberly be tomorrow I'll post what I have, but it's coming on nicely
Good, good. Carry on.
Ok i decided to post an early example of the seperation sequence, i would like to add some parts seperating from the side, i made a few alterations to the ship, is this another "NEIN NEIN NEIN" moment or a
Again watch the animation of the seperation squence
AutoSave_LOWERPOLY_STARSHIP_CONCEPT_updates.tweens.skp -
I wasnt so happy with the privious animation, the ship just didnt look right, so made a few more mods and removed some parts, also im going to redo the seperation squence at the front, again watch the animation
I like the animations and some things you did with the ship, but the first one is anything but sleek and sexy.
Though I like those I still can't except them as permanent. I don't think the animation are too productive right now. I make something, you make something and an animation, I have to redo a lot of stuff, then you have to redo a lot of stuff which makes me have to redo stuff and so on and so forth......
Can we focus on that please?
Yeah I taught the first 1 looked too bulky, that's why I redid it again, ok besides he animation of the separation sequence, what about the shape of the ship, I'm finding it hard to visualise the main body with what we have so far, any ideas?
I think we pretty much have it length wise, I'm not satisfied with the shape at the back yet so I'll make some modifications.
You're having trouble with visualising it because I don't work with a specific shape in mind, I'm modifying it until I like it.
You can think about the engine section, we could make it separate from the main body. I think you'd love a dettachable engine section that slides into the main body. It doesn't need to be flush with the main body's contours. You can make something that you'd like and when it's done I'll then think about how to fit it.
I know it's not the way an engineer works...but this is art. After we have the whole body ready and smoothed we can carve it and add stuff to it.
Yeah I noticed I'm the modeller who makes models that are engineered correctly with moving parts and ur the modeller who does it for style and art, none the less this is an interesting project, I always plan around how the model should work but I'll put that aside for now and help get the shape finalised first. So I was reading up on types of space craft and I found a forum on ufo's and the types there are, saucer, triangle and cigar shaped, now I know it's a ship and not really linked to UFO's but I see a cigar shape coming from this design, much like your last ship design which appeared on the last edition of catchup, the size of 200m is a perfect size also, we should exceed it, I was also thinking if it is cigar shaped we should go with a rear engine much like your last design too, not attached engines, it wound just create more problems, just a taught, what are your taughts on the shape Marion ?
By attached engine I mean one big section at the back that hold the powerplant and thrusters.
I do agree that this ship give the impression of being bigger than just 200m. I'm doing now some modifications, that you'll just "love")
EDIT: I think we should do 2 ships based on what we have so far but you take the lead on the next one and I'll try to adapt and since I've taken charge of this one you adapt to my work flow. I think this way we'll both be satisfied.
Added a top component to the the long ship inspired from your animation.
I'm planning of redesigning the pod.