[Plugin] Loader for Rotated Rect, Circle and Box [6/14/12]
ha.. oh wait.
i guess i can just do this since i have the right software and pref settings etc..here's the zip and rbz.. (the zip will have the additional folder on mac but pc users can just unzip into their plugins folder if they choose.. no mac specific files in there either.. the rbz works fine on both systems)
Thanks so much. I wasn't aware of all these complications for PC with just zipping the file.
You're right if I display the full extension I most likely can do it. I was actually surprised it didn't give me a warning (change of extension), but it's because I did it on the desktop.
So I'll correct that.
Now I'm not sure I followed this whole extra folder business.
So if I take the script and the script folder into a container folder, compress and rename that folder rbz, that will not work either (I understand they may have the ds_store file still)?I don't seem to be able to zip a bunch of file/folders without putting them first into a container.
I looked for other zip packages but they don't work on my system (10.5), they require 10.6
I know I can include the script not zipped, but I don't think I can do it with the folder, so I have to zip no?Thanks very much for your help.
@michaelv said:
Now I'm not sure I followed this whole extra folder business.
So if I take the script and the script folder into a container folder, compress and rename that folder rbz, that will not work either (I understand they may have the ds_store file still)?I don't seem to be able to zip a bunch of file/folders without putting them first into a container.
I looked for other zip packages but they don't work on my system (10.5), they require 10.6
I know I can include the script not zipped, but I don't think I can do it with the folder, so I have to zip no?Thanks very much for your help.
a couple of things about .zips on mac:
-- to create an archive of multiple files.. select all the files (using the cmmd key for multi-selections).. right click on one of the selected items.. choose 'Compress (n) Items'…
-- a pc user will unzip that and all of the compressed items will be at the top level (no enclosing folder)… on mac, they will unzip into a new folder..
however, if you put all the items in a folder prior to compressing, OSX will not create yet another subfolder upon unzipping because it sees it as only one item.. (or, another way to explain it -- if you compress a single file, say a .jpg, then unzip it… it will come out at the root level… but, if you compress 2 jpgs in the same manner then unzip it, OSX will now put the jpgs in a folder since there are multiple items being expanded)-- the ds_store files are harmless (and by default, hidden on OSX-- but they're inside every folder / gui directory on your system… what they do is basically like a preference list for a given folder.. for instance, i could send you a project folder which you can open and it will show my arrangement of the folder.. i could have icons grouped into sub groups or the files ordered in a certain manner and you would see it that way too… if i send the folder to a pc user, they'll just get the file list in alphabetical order (or whatever) as opposed to the way i've organized the folder… but, a pc user will see the ds_store files and while harmless, i understand how they'd be skeptical of seeing an oddball file like that..
-- regarding the .rbz file created on a mac… i haven't tested it (i don't have windows anywhere) but i'm pretty sure the sketchup 'install extensions' will not transfer the ds_store files to a pc machine (and likely, won't transfer them on a mac either).. the installer is also smart enough ditch the sub folder we get upon uncompressing.. however, if you put all your files into a folder prior to compressing them, then make it a .rbz, the su installer will place only that folder in the plugins folder on either system (i.e.- a bad install)
here's a utility that should work on leopard:
Using your Mac, create Zip Files that PC users can understand
A simple drag and drop utility to create zip files for PC users - without the __MACOSX and .DS_Store files.
@unknownuser said:
**If you have come to this page, you probably already are part of the growing ranks who love Macintosh computers. You probably are also aware that we live in a PC world, and sending zip archives that you create on your Mac can confuse and confound PC users with the extra ".DS_Store" and "__MACOSX" files. Be kind, PC users already have enough confusion to deal with. Send them zip files that they can understand!
When you use the "Create Archive" function on your Mac (to create a zip file) you may believe that you have made a cross-platform file that can be opened by any Mac or PC user... but that is not true. PC users will be able to see files and folders that would be hidden on the Mac: The ".DS_Store" file and "__MACOSX" folder.
Not only can these files and folders confuse your end-user - but they can also confound downstream processing on PC where the end-user has automated extraction for zip files, resulting in a failed extraction of the zip file. The solution is our Zip Mac Files for the PC utility... a simple, lightweight drag and drop application that keeps Mac and PC users talking.
You can try this program for free by downloading the free trial version of the Zip Mac Files for PC utility (see link on the left). This free version is good for one renaming use only (so you can see how it works). You can download the free trail as many times as you would like. If you'd like to avoid the hassle of downloading it over and over, you can purchase the Zip Mac Files for PC utility using PayPal.**
that might just be the strangest trial software setup i've ever seen though..
it works once but you can download it as many times as you'd likefwiw, zipped files created on mac for PC will still work just fine on a mac.. the same way a zip created on PC will work ok on mac..
[oh, but once you get this sorted out, edit your top level post to include the new downloads then we can make some of these subsequent posts labeled as off-topic… or, just make a new thread to announce the loader.. it will be a lot less confusing for those interested in the tools as opposed to osx zip techniques
@unknownuser said:
[oh, but once you get this sorted out, edit your top level post to include the new downloads then we can make some of these subsequent posts labeled as off-topic… or, just make a new thread to announce the loader.. it will be a lot less confusing for those interested in the tools as opposed to osx zip techniques
Understood about this zipping business, thanks. We can just delete the posts (or leave them to show the extent of our dedication to our PC friends
I woudl like to use this rb but when I try to download it, it comes as a PHP and not a ZIP.
I have tried this in two different download managers. What the heck am I doing wrong?Chears
Occasionally I heard this already. It has to be some browser setting/glitch. First of all, try to rename the php extension to zip to see if it is downloaded at all.
I have had the php issue before. I don't think you can just rename it. Seems like the php file is very small(a few kb) compared to the size of the zip or rb that you are trying to download.
For me, it was a little bit of persistence to get the correct file. Repeat the process until you see the correct extension.
Could be an obscure system security thing or a time based thing (grabbed too fast for whatever time out setting) This is just intuitive speculation as I really don't know.For a program named Windows, it surely isn't very transparent.
Sketchup 2016 required some modifying to get this to work (Windows 7). This loader would not run for me. To fix, I had to first install this extension from the warehouse. Next, I had to install the rotated box and cylinder tools from the warehouse. Third, I had to rename/delete the .rb files in the 3Pts_Tools folder and replace them w/ the installed copies from my plugins folder. Those copies do NOT have the same name(3Pts_Tools puts a 'M' on the end of the file names) so you have to make sure you name the .rb's w/ that M on the end or edit the loader .rb to reflect the lack of an 'M' in the file name. Restart sketchup and the toolbar should appear.
This set of steps will suffice until a new package w/ the up-to-date .rb's is posted. I did NOT attempt to do rotated rectangle as sketchup comes with that tool built in as of Sketchup 2015.