From Sketchup to Skyrim?
Any other gamer here?
I decided to give a try with the Skyrim Creation Kit, and I was baffled when I discovered EVERY SINGLE medieval house in Skyrim is an entire mesh instead of being modular, meaning that if you plan to create a new village/city, all the houses will repeat from the ones already existing in Skyrim).
As a long time fan of the Elder Scrolls series, I still worship Daggerfall, where you had truly immense world to explore (the same area as Spain... while Skyrim and Oblivion are about 16 sq kilometers each) and hundreds of cities, and those cities were REALLY WORTHY of the word "city".
Thus I put in my mind the objective to create a medieval city tileset to leave available as a resource for Skyrim modders, so they can create exquisite medieval buildings... and also, that it will be low poly enough that you can have big cities, while keeping the good looks.
Would anyone here be interested in helping?
It seems the Creation Kit can import .OBJ files...