Best beer in the world!!
Gotta get me some.
Let me know if you can't just order it online...I live here. At the least I can get some and tell you how it was.
(Once a year ?
Remind me next February. I'll get some for my birthday too.)
Triple IPA! That's my kind of beer, 'er I mean ALE!
My current favorite -
This is as close we got so far. this is a glass of Pliny the ELDER by Russian River Brewing Company, which is available more often during the year. And we got the word on how to get Pliny the Younger which is only out in February. This pub had a keg but it was gone in a couple hours. Pliny the Elder was indeed a great beer itself.
Sorry about the color--orange umbrellas.
Please tell those are samosas on the plate, as that would be perfect with a good beer.
Yes, those were great spicy somosas. A fine evening celebrating my wife establishing her new consulting business + contracts etc.