Old Afgan ruin
Thanks Peter, glad you liked it, will post up a better image at some point today, i find your image very bright, maybe its my comp but we will see with the next image, ill get working on it with more added detail
Looks good! It still has a certain darkness and redness, like an overcast dusk, but that may be what you're after. a very quiet mood. Where'd all those palettes come from?:enlight:
It's exactly the setting I was looking for, the pallets is a tutorial in the book "google sketchup for game design" I only got it last wk and tried out the tutorial, fantastic tut on how to create a pallet with the right texture applied, took just under an hr to complete but it taught me a lot on texturing in SU
I'll post the pallet skp file tomorrow, I won't be giving a tut on it as its in the book I mentioned and it just wouldn't be fair on the author, I strongly recommend this book, helped me a lot in understanding textures and creating textures
Simply Wow!
The terrain is blur on the last image. Is it due to the texture resolution?
One more thing sir, is there any reason why the terrain is not looking "alive" like the bricks? (No bump) -
I haven't worked on the terrain yet, only the building and props, will work on the terrain later
Thank you, Damien. Nice tut!
@ecuadorian said:
Thank you, Damien. Nice tut!
Your welcome, if anyone is doing something like what iv showen in the tut feel free to post your image here, and if you would like to add to it I would like to hear it here too, I'm not perfect, cheers again
Amazing work.
Awe I see you joined us on sketchucation Paladin, about time for you, welcome to sketchucation, I'm sure you will learn a lot here to improve your SU skills
Heres that pallet i said id post up, feel free to use it
Its gameready for Unity 3D and again ill remind you this was a tutorial in "Google Sketchup For Game Design" , great book and enjoyed the tuts within it
Here's a shirt video showing the ruin I created in the famous cryengine.