Define possible (manifold) groups in a model
Hello, this is my first post on this forum. I have this issue that I just can't sort out..
The title quiet explains the problem. I'm developping a plugin that automatically generates (manifold) groups from all the faces in a model. Image from a possible model (only faces):I have tried the following method:
First i defined a method called "spheretrace". It acts like raytrace but "shoots" rays in all directions and returns all the faces it touches. I do this from all the point3D's (with different offsets xyz-1 and xyz+1) in the model. With this method I search for possible face combinations to be used as the faces of a manifold group. There are also some other methods to extract unlikely combinations etc... but somehow, it just won't do.The second method I tried was just generating ALL possible combinations of faces. And of course, this works. But, when the model is getting about 12+ faces... I get some trillion combinations followed with a crash.
So here is my question. Has anyone tried doing the same and has a direction to point me to?
Perhaps start from a different angle...
A manifold solid group has the following properties...
It contains only faces and their edges.
AND these edges can only have two faces - no fewer, no more.
So this is start - you can eliminate all other faces/edges ?The number of permutations will always expand exponentially...
What is it you are trying to do, exactly ?