Faces appearing from nowhere while working with .dwg import
What's the quickest/most accurate way of getting my flat work from paper into sketchup?
I do have cad but I barely ever use it since I'm so slow/find it hard to work with.I've attached the 1:200 jpeg I need to get into sketchup to work upon there's a lot of curved lines in it so I'm anxious to see how best to go about that.
Also, once my line work is drawn out is there a way I can use layout to produce cad-type graphics as seen in the council files from earlier in this thread?
My book finally arrived!
Following it's guidelines I put several scans together as a single jpeg using the autocad pdf lines to ensure everything was lined up in photoshop, when I import the image into sketchup and then scale it and paste the line work of what's existing into the file I'm trying to use the two lineworks no longer line up despite coming from the same file originally.
Where am I going wrong? I've tried pasting the image into a more developed file but that meant the image wasn't visible despite being part of the file.
I tried to upload the jpeg but I get a server didn't understand request dialogue.