[Plugin] FredoTools::ReverseOrientFaces 1.0a - 11 Apr 12
ReverseOrientFaces is a standalone script which allow to interactively revert and orientate face sides.
- It works across the boundaries of components and groups. You don’t need to open groups and components to paint their faces or edges.
- Click and Click and Drag mode to reverse or orient progressively face by face, or surface by surface and to extend a surface already painted
- Explicit selections of faces: single face, surfaces, connected faces, adjacent faces with same materials.
- Correct handling of texture inversion
- The tool automatically switch to Monochrome mode in order to show the front and back faces.
ReverseOrientFaces is installed as part of FredoTools .. It requires LibFredo6 4.4 or above.
See the main post for this plugin for Installation of FredoTools
No user manual (see section Quick Start and Videos below)
- SU Versions: SU6, SU7, SU8
- Platforms: Windows and Mac
- Languages: English, French
- Menus: by default, ReverseOrientFaces is installed in Tools > FredoTools. It does NOT appear in the Contextual menu.
- Icon toolbar: Fredo6 Tools. There is only a single icon. By default, it is not shown. You need to go to the Default Parameters… dialog of FredoTools to enable the icon.
- The plugin is free, for private and commercial usage.
ReverseOrientFaces Overview
The mode “Reverse Face” or “Orient Face” must be chosen in the button palette, You can use Ctrl Alone to toggle between the two modes.
You have two buttons to toggle between Monochrome and Textured view modes, and to toggle visibility of hidden edges.Revert Face mode
- Choose the Face selection mode in the button palette (use the arrow to cycle through the modes)
- Click to Reverse
- Click and Drag to reverse adjacent faces
Orient Face Mode
- Choose the Face selection mode in the button palette (use the arrow to cycle through the modes)
- Click on face. This first face will indicate the orientation to propagate to adjacent faces. You can use Click & Drag to control to which faces you extend the orientation change.
ReverseOrientFaces 1.0a - 11 Apr 12: initial public release
Very useful! Thanks Fredo!
Excellent!! How many times could I have used this? Bravo!
Thank you.
@vicspa: by default, you just have one icon visible (the FredoTools Quick Launcher).
If you wish to get the icons for the tools visible, just goto the Default Parameters box of FredoTools and select the one you want.
This is explained in more detail in the main post of FredoTools .Fredo
Thanks Fredo
Fredo I seriously believe you're tough enough to develop your own Sketchup full of blackjack and
hookers ! - topic:timeago-later,about a year
useful! thank you fredo..
Why not a selection non adjacent ?
(click a reversed face and all reversed faces are selected even they are not adjacent! ) - topic:timeago-later,4 years
another brilliant tool wot i needed ages ago welldone and thanks kudos due
- topic:timeago-later,2 years
i cant find the fredo tool bar, i checked the default parameters from windo>fredo but under the configuration there is no tools under it to check,help please
@jcabat said:
i cant find the fredo tool bar, i checked the default parameters from windo>fredo but under the configuration there is no tools under it to check,help please
Did you install both LibFredo6 and FredoTools ?
- topic:timeago-later,2 years
Thanks but download screen hangs
Kind regards