[Plugin] LSS Matrix
One is more "technic" the other is more ergonomic
(no need to enter number)
@kirill2008 said:
@tig said:
How does this tool differ from my old 'Grow' and 'Matrix' tools ?
Apart from you having to make the first changed copy...I didn't know about these two plugins
After brief look at 'Grow' description I found out, that 'Grow' plugin provides more functionality, than 'LSS Matrix'...
For example, I was only going to add scaling options, 'Grow' already has exponential and even Fibonacci options aside from linear.
As for me I was going to add a kind of adjustment curve (default option is strait line), which will give more power to affect replication results.
Life lesson #1: search for ready made desicions before reinvent a wheel...We look forward to the LSS update, thank you for your selfless dedication!
For me it's not inside the V6 Plugins folder that avoid Components to work!
Maybe in Resource or other folders
No problem because all works fine in V 7 (disable Sketchyphysics)or with groups inside V6
@kirill2008 said:
@blajnov said:
в русском переводе не та кодировка, при нажатии на кнопку вызова основного диалога LSS Matrix. Остальные меню на русском.
Постараюсь разобраться как можно быстрее. У меня диалог отображается корректно, пока не знаю, в чем именно может быть дело...
[attachment=0:vpwb77xn]<!-- ia0 -->русский диалог.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:vpwb77xn]Разобрался, преобразовал в блокноте два файла в кодировку UTF-8
lss_matrix_mini.html -
@unknownuser said:
For me it's not inside the V6 Plugins folder that avoid Components to work!
Maybe in Resource or other folders
No problem because all works fine in V 7 (disable Sketchyphysics)or with groups inside V6
I think it's no good if it is necessary to disable Sketchyphysics
I guess I need to find out how to coexist together with Sketchyphysics, since it is known as must have one (I don't have it personally, but I'm sure a lot of people do...)
BTW, Pilou, great colorful sampleIt inspired me to make LSS Matrix 'color aware' in future versions and process colors of replicated groups as well as transformations. I mean to make result groups colors as gradient between source group and copy group. But it will work only if the whole group has one single color, I guess... But it has to be fun too
@blajnov said:
Разобрался, преобразовал в блокноте два файла в кодировку UTF-8
Архивный файл в исходном посте я заменил.
@guanjin said:
We look forward to the LSS update, thank you for your selfless dedication!
The next in line is LSS Toolbar. It was waiting too long and I believe it's time to reanimate it...
What a cool tool. Thank you for sharing and your hard work!
@unknownuser said:
You can yet use Color by Z, Color by Slope, Random Painter by Chris fullmer
And also ThruPaint by Fredo6Whoa!
That's crazy cool
Looks like it is better for me to focus on 'LSS Toolbar' update instead of bothering on colors handling within 'LSS Matrix'since there are ready-made yet powerful tools for color processing by talented plugins authors
It's not exactly the same than a real gradiant between the start and end
Only if objects are on a vertical straigth line !So you can make your own code gradient between object
@unknownuser said:
I mean to make result groups colors as gradient between source group and copy group.
You can yet use Color by Z, Color by Slope, Random Painter by Chris fullmer
And also ThruPaint by Fredo6 -
kirill, i am looking forward for your update on lss toolbar
@irwanwr said:
kirill, i am looking forward for your update on lss toolbar
Update of LSS Toolbar is in progress now (I'm not sure about the fact, that LSS Toolbar will be highly demanded in the nearest future, since Google sold SU and its future is a bit uncertain now, I think).
Anyway here is demo video of LSS Toolbar current development stage. It shows '2 faces + path...' tool processing.
[flash=560,315:5emt7pqv]http://www.youtube.com/v/2nX7ZxCPHrk?version=3&hl=ru_RU[/flash:5emt7pqv]I decided to use github for version control. It is possible to download zip archive of current stage there: http://www.github.com/lssoft/lss_toolbar
About the LssMatrix
Does it possible to have a Cylinder at the start, and the same cylinder at the end but with only Top face scaled? -
Thank LSS hard work, adjustable preview, simply great, But oh have not thoroughly understand.
Look forward to your updates, thank you!
Hi kirill!
The first thanks for this great plugin, i have made the translation to spanish, i have created a new lss_toolbar.strings file with all spanish phrases and words and i have translated the html files, but if you want that the translation works you change the line 18 in the lss_toolbar_ext.rb file:
LanguageHandler.new("lsstlbr.strings")--> LanguageHandler.new("lss_toolbar.strings")
Is it possible translate the options of this window?:Other thing, it's important when you save the files (.rb, .html), save them with Unicode (UTF-8 with BOM) format so there will aren't problems with the signs of accentuation in the translations.
I work on Mac (OSX 10.6.8) generally and the plugin doesn't work, it appears the toolbar, the "2 Faces + Path" and "Properties" windows but the Pick icons doesn't work.
I don't know if others Mac users have the same problem, please inform.
Thanks again kirill!!EDIT: Excuse me, i'm talking about LSS Toolbar.
@unknownuser said:
About the LssMatrix
Does it possible to have a Cylinder at the start, and the same cylinder at the end but with only Top face scaled?Looks like you're asking me to examine contents of each group while making copies
OK, challenge accepted
Actually it is a step towards the realization of one of my dreams: to code a plugin, that performs morphing between selected geometry groups.
@oxer said:
Hi kirill!
The first thanks for this great plugin, i have made the translation to spanish, i have created a new lss_toolbar.strings file with all spanish phrases and words and i have translated the html files, but if you want that the translation works you change the line 18 in the lss_toolbar_ext.rb file:
LanguageHandler.new("lsstlbr.strings")--> LanguageHandler.new("lss_toolbar.strings")You see the currently available version is what you can call 'pre-alpha' (pre-alpha refers to all activities performed during the software project prior to testing) so it is not even 'beta-version'. I published link to it just to inform, that LSS Toolbar project is still alive
it was just an answer on this post:
@irwanwr said:
kirill, i am looking forward for your update on lss toolbar
I'm going to add all tools, perform tests and then publish LSS Toolbar in new forum thread. Anyway all strings, which present in lsstlbr.strings, will stay in final version so it will be possible to copy-paste them into resource files of final version.
@oxer said:
Is it possible translate the options of this window?:
Current version shows raw internal attribute names of selected entity, so it is not possible to translate them yet... You may try to take a look at component instances attributes for example 'Susan' component instance (just for fun, because editing of them has no effect). The final version will have a kind of dictionary of name aliases for all attribute names, that LSS Toolbar uses, so it will be possible to translate elements of this dictionary.
And normally the more generic way to apply localization is to place localized resource files into local folder without renaming file names (for example into 'ru-RU' folder for Russian language). LanguageHandler has to find them in local language folder.
Oxer, thanks for informing about UTF-8 formattingI'll fix it.
@oxer said:
I work on Mac (OSX 10.6.8) generally and the plugin doesn't work, it appears the toolbar, the "2 Faces + Path" and "Properties" windows but the Pick icons doesn't work.
I didn't adapted web-dialogs for Safari, so most probably they will not work properly on mac
I'm not sure that I'll fix this problem, since I don't have mac
@guanjin said:
Thank LSS hard work, adjustable preview, simply great, But oh have not thoroughly understand.
The animation, that you attached, shows that path curve is the same circle that is boundary of First face. I think it explains all
Thank LSS tools operating normally, there is a problem, round closed it? Can automatically smooth?
As shown below
@unknownuser said:
About the LssMatrix
OK, challenge accepted@unknownuser said:
Actually it is a step towards the realization of one of my dreams: to code a plugin, that performs morphing between selected geometry groups
Finish is not so far!
Thanks for the reply kirill!!
@unknownuser said:
kirill wrote:
I didn't adapted web-dialogs for Safari, so most probably they will not work properly on mac I'm not sure that I'll fix this problem, since I don't have macI don't know the ruby code but there are other plugins (Sketchup Ivy, some Fredo's plugins,...) that works fine in Mac and they use Safari, if you want you can ask to Fredo6, Didier or Chris Fullmer, perhaps they help you with this. (Excuse me, i know that this problem isn't your priority
Here is a demonstration of new LSS Matrix feature 'Scan for changes inside groups'.
[flash=640,360:2oxxhf7x]http://www.youtube.com/v/lfbb8gyH7BA?version=3&hl=ru_RU[/flash:2oxxhf7x]It has a lot of limitations and it is unstable and is able to process only simple geometry for now... Anyway I decided to share this stage: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/44695539/lss_matrix/lss_matrix_1_1_alpha.zip