Ruby plugin - Export from skp to Quake .map file
Hi! I'm a noob at ruby scripts and I'd like to make a ruby plugin for converting sketchup models to GTK Radiant editor (Quake III Arena) .map files.
The .map file is basically a .txt file structured as follows:**```
//entity 0
"classname" "worldspawn"
// brush 0
( 126 -344 92 ) ( 130 -344 92 ) ( 130 -352 96 ) common/caulk 0 0 90 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
( 126 -336 128 ) ( 126 -352 128 ) ( 126 -336 0 ) gothic_ceiling/woodceiling1a 0 0 90 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
( 130 -344 92 ) ( 126 -344 92 ) ( 130 -344 0 ) gothic_ceiling/woodceiling1a 0 0 90 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
( 130 -352 0 ) ( 130 -336 0 ) ( 122 -352 0 ) common/caulk 0 0 90 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
( 130 -352 0 ) ( 130 -352 128 ) ( 130 -336 0 ) gothic_ceiling/woodceiling1a 0 0 90 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
( 130 -352 0 ) ( 122 -352 0 ) ( 130 -352 128 ) gothic_ceiling/woodceiling1a 0 0 90 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
}where, in a brush (a block), each line represents a plane whith its texture. Each plane is represented by 3 coordinates (a triangle). Planes can only define convex brushes (blocks); no concavities allowed **``` //entity 0 { "classname" "worldspawn" // brush 0 { ( x y z ) ( x y z ) ( x y z ) texturefolder/texture sShift tShift rotation sScale tScale |detail|structural| 0 0 ( x y z ) ( x y z ) ( x y z ) texturefolder/texture sShift tShift rotation sScale tScale |detail|structural| 0 0 ( x y z ) ( x y z ) ( x y z ) texturefolder/texture sShift tShift rotation sScale tScale |detail|structural| 0 0 ( x y z ) ( x y z ) ( x y z ) texturefolder/texture sShift tShift rotation sScale tScale |detail|structural| 0 0 ( x y z ) ( x y z ) ( x y z ) texturefolder/texture sShift tShift rotation sScale tScale |detail|structural| 0 0 ( x y z ) ( x y z ) ( x y z ) texturefolder/texture sShift tShift rotation sScale tScale |detail|structural| 0 0 } } ```** I think what I'm trying to script is at least conceptually quite easy, but I don't know how to start.. The main question I ask is how to make sketchup creat a txt or map file to input converted data into?
The SketchUp API does not have IO methods... That is standard to Ruby.
So you need to 1st learn standard Ruby.
Ruby Newbie's Guide to Getting Started -
Ok, i've been playing around with the ruby console in sketchup and some of those tutorials (Thanks for the links!) and at least I wrote some commands I liked:
Dir.chdir("/Temp")"", "w+")
And that creates a new .map file in the Temp folder for me to write into. Does anyone know how to make a "select folder" popup, or save the file in the same folder as the .skp?
Sketchup's UI API
, andsave_panel()
Read both the API, AND the general Ruby File/Dir stuff together...You don't need to use Dir.chdir() if you give, 'w')
the full-path to the file... which you can of course pre-assemble from the model's directory path and the new file's name, thus
fpath=File.join(File.dirname(model.path), '')
Of course you can check that the model has been saved and therefore
not model.path.empty?
before proceeding etc...