⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
Member lengths
Hello again. I have a burning question. Is there a way for sketchup to tell you how many of a member (say a structural member from engineering toolbox) and get a LENGTH from it (without actually having to pull a dimension). I know outliner can keep track of each member, but can it tell you a length?
I think the File > Generate report does something like this (with components). Have never used it for anything real so cannot remember.
ok. thanks. i'll try it and see.
Sorry, I did a childish titter at the title of this thread!
If you mean it, Lee, you can start a poll in the Corner Bar.
Cool. I could have also checked so as not to be uncertain...
Several years.