WIP - Portfolio Work
This is a personal project that I'm working on in between actual live projects, so I appologise in advance if I'm slow to produce updates to the work; you know how it is with deadlines & such!
It's a loose interpretation (i.e. I'm going to change things to suit my own purposes) of John Robert Nilsons "Villa Overby", which I think is a pretty stunning example of Minimal architecture, and is somewhat reminiscent of Mies Van Der Rohe's Barcelona Pavillion.
wow, really nice renderings. i like the materials, especially the floor. what rendering engine is that?
Vray for 3ds max, but you could achieve an identical floor with just about any decent render engine. It's an Arroway concrete texture that I've tweaked to suit my purposes (adjusted specular map & used procedural noise as a bump, rather than the .jpg provided by arroway)
Hope to get a little more done on it tonight. Fingers crossed.