Custom Automobile Body Paint Job / Decals
Hey Everyone!
I am new to SketchUcation and am really liking it so far. This is my first post and I was hoping to get some help on an issue I am having. I am needing a Hot Rod that has flames painted on it to render in Revit 2012. I found a Hot Rod on Google Warehouse and everything about it is perfect except the body of the Hot Rod is all one color. I found several other Hot Rods that did have flames but the flames were put on as a JPEG image file. My question is does anyone know how to draw on custom outlines onto a curved surface of a car's body? The reason a JPEG file wont' work is that I need separate "colors" so that I can add materials to them in Revit in order to get it to render correctly.
I did find the BezierSpline curve plug in, I have been trying to use this to draw on flames onto the Hot Rod body but to no avail. Any help, guidance or direction would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!
I am happy to be a part of the community!
Hello and welcome!
I think this would be the right tool for the job: -
Thanks, I am happy I found this site, it's awesome.
I downloaded the plug in and I think you are right, this should work, I just started using it...
Wow! I can't thank you enough numbthumb for helping me out!
Thanks a million!
No problem. Also check out the Plugins Index and Tutorial section - lots of useful stuff there.