"Making of articles" needed?
Im looking for some "making of" articles or videos for sketch up. where can I find some of them?
Long time ago Pilou suggested this http://translate.google.fr/translate?hl=fr&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fixlrlxi.livejournal.com%2F113673.html%23cutid1 .
it was really good. I was wondering if there is somekind of database for it?or some specific suggestion...
Sincerely A.A -
You mean if there is a concise database of all SU tutorials on the internet? (No.)
Or are you looking for tools to make the screenshots/annotations/videos?
Or are you looking for ways to publish them? (i.e. website building and such?) -
looking for articles which in them you can see explanation which show the process of work like these "making of"s here for 3ds max http://www.3dtotal.com/index_tutorial.php . like the one that Ive linked. Of course not all tutsand Not that I want to make one which I have not the knowledge
. and if you know any in any modeling style, like the one pilou suggested or the one here linked, Thats great.
Thank you -
All the official tutorial videos are here , also obtainable via the Help menu or Welcome screen...although you have to dig a little. They're not specifically 'Making of' but do take you through various design problems.
There are also 3rd party tutorial sites like go2school.com , where you can find a wide range of videos on offer. -
Thank both of you.