Color Picker choice of materials
Color Picker > Texture Pallette > Choose texture and place on a face > Edit texture dimensions > Reapply = face remains with original texture dimensions.
I think what is happening here is that the face texture is not pointing to the Texture Pallette texture list texture new dimensions but it is instead pointing to the texture when it was first used and is now held in the model. If I then drop on a different texture and purge unused textures and then drop on the texture with the new dimensions it all works fine.
Is this correct ?
I will try to explain a bit better than I have:
When you use a material on a face (for example) if you then update the material (change dimensions) and drop it onto the same face then nothing happens. I think this is because it is pointing to the material In Model rather than the material with the new dimensions.
The workaround is to drop a new material onto the face then drop the material with the new dimension on there.
Is my thinking correct?
If you modify a material (like dimensions, colour etc.) you can only do it in the "In model" library anyway. So when you modify it, it should immediately take effect on the face itself - without having to reapply it. If you re-apply it later, nothing will change since the change happened before already.
Thank you.
That was the part of my workflow that was missing. I did not realise that you amend the In Model materials but it now makes sense.
thanks again
And just for the record: when you do this, the original material in the library (where you first picked it from) will not change. In order to change that, too, you can simply drag and drop the modified material from the In model library into the one you picked it from. SU will as you if you want to replace it. If you only want to add a modified version (but also keep the original), rename it first in your In model library so that the original will not get overwritten (i.e. name collision) when you copy it back.
Thank you.
On the Mac I don't see how to drag from one library to another ?
I am not too familiar with the Mac UI (and I know that this is one of the fields it is rather different) but we have a +/- sign (depending if it is on/off) at the top right. That's what you launch the secondary browser window with. Try to find something similar there. When that's open, you can simply drag and drop materials from one window to the other.
no we don't have this. The workaround is to click on the In Model material, switch to the chosen library and then drag the material from the preview bar in the material picker into the library. SU will auto rename the material by appending the next number and you would then have a duplicate (so if the original was named WoodMat then you would now have WoodMat and WoodMat-1).
You can remove the WoodMat and rename WoodMat-1. This however does not clear the material from the HD so you would have to manage manually.