Publishing Grey Buildings
At my office we got a large portion of Trondheim as accurate volume models. They are however not textured. Could they still be uploaded to Google Earth, the official layer, so they are made available to the community that might want to texture them?
The models are made from very accurate maps and we think it would be of value to have them out there. We could contribute to the Google Earth community - and as the same time we benefit if the buildings become textured.
How does this work? I know Google prefer textured models - but we don't have the capacity to do so, but we have all these models.
I see Google Earth Buildings layer is divided in two, grey and textured. What are the criteria or rules for grey buildings?
Start here. There is a possibility for large quantity providers to upload even non-textured content. However this will not be simply available via download for the general public to improve so you may need to provide some download links to individual portions yourself. But maybe I am mistaken and when you get there (and discuss with the Googlers), they may be able to provide downloads themselves (I have never tried this)
Thanks - I'll look at that.
That's not Trondheim! Everytime I look at it on the map all I see is vast expanses of 10 meter deep snow with fog and clouds overhead...