Untitled Capital Ship WIP
Young Mr. Jedi,
Do I have this right? The change in engines is to put them on a level position and make them both the same size (they looked different in size to me on the original configuration)? Just curious if I understand you.
Another small question – if I come straight down on the turbolazer cannon will it be able to elevate to meet my attack? It looks like about a 10% blank spot in the barrel elevation angle. Wouldn’t want you discover that AFTER launch.
It is good to note (Daniel) that in this case big means “bigger projectile, or beam or whatever” which I would prefer in armed conflict, not having the mental powers of the Yoda. Side note: I’m making different titles for my Dummies Manual to put on and sit around where people can see me. Toooo… funny.
The ship looks better, and more formidable. all the time
Thinking about ship weaponry, have you ever read David Weber's Honor Harrington series? Possibly the most unbelievable deep space fleet battles in Science Fiction. I will never forget the unfortunate and awesome destructive power of "bomb pumped lasers", yeow!
@roidsan said:
Do I have this right? The change in engines is to put them on a level position and make them both the same size (they looked different in size to me on the original configuration)? Just curious if I understand you.
Yes, I decided they should be level with each other. The reason for the change is to make the "wings" flat because the old ones looked too Romulan and I though I also like Star Trek, that's not what I am going for. I also wanted a trench on the leading edge that would match the rest of the ship. Before, the two innermost engines had an additional segment which made them 20 feet longer than the other two. I decided to make theme all the same now because the ship doesn't need to be so long.
@roidsan said:
Another small question – if I come straight down on the turbolazer cannon will it be able to elevate to meet my attack? It looks like about a 10% blank spot in the barrel elevation angle. Wouldn’t want you discover that AFTER launch.
Good point... I'll fix it.
@roidsan said:
Thinking about ship weaponry, have you ever read David Weber's Honor Harrington series? Possibly the most unbelievable deep space fleet battles in Science Fiction. I will never forget the unfortunate and awesome destructive power of "bomb pumped lasers", yeow!
I haven't heard of that but sounds cool. I have a lot of Star Wars audiobooks but they seem to deal mostly with planet side battles.