It's coming. . .
How will you be spending your magic 11:11:11 second on 11/11/11?
Will it be the Rapture????
Or does it actually happen on 12-12-12 at 12:12:12? we"ll have year to ponder the ramifications. . . . but then it won't happen again for another century . . .so better make plans!
Am or pm?
You're RIGHT!!!! Good Observation!! There's 2 . .. count em TWO! opportunities to be carried up!
Which time zone?
I thought it would be 'leventy-'leventy-'leven
It should be a LOLCat holiday!
I think it will go the same as 03-03-2003 of the 3rd millenium.
@marian said:
I think it will go the same as 03-03-2003 of the 3rd millenium.
Agreed! Actually, it's the same thing....11:11:11 is binary for 03/03/03.
I think that, at the end of the day, I've probably played Skyrim for 12 hours straight
it's now 11/11/11 at 11:15. . . .I'm still here.
Maybe tonight.
I've got 11 mninutes to go in my time zone, I'll let you know if anything happens on the west coast
11-11 was always a party day and time for certain of my friends. Now it is a time to remember those 11-11 people of mine.
11 is "peace" in the I Ching:
PEACE. The small departs, The great approaches. Good fortune. Success.
22 was also a "special" number to many people I've known. Once you find a "special" number you will see it everywhere.
bacon, egg, swiss, tomato on croissant..
made a bunch of 2d views for a client..
learned a couple of more things about rhino..
told chris to buy a new mouse..
about to do laundry..
then do an estimate/ material list for a potential job..all in all.. it's been an uneventful 111111 for me.
I walked down to the Veterans Day Memorial Ceremony from our office. They dedicated a new Memorial park today. In the middle of the ceremony, behind us at the corner intersection a minivan ran up a bollard and flipped. It almost sounded like a small bomb. There were people sitting in fold out chairs on the corner and by the time we walked back to the office there were at least 4 ambulances. 5 people were injured, one treated on site and released. The other 4 went to the hospital. Turns out a woman had a "medical emergency" (I assume a heart attack or stroke) and lost control of her car. She hit a few pedestrians in the process.
Just prior to that happening a number of officers were being called to the side of the memorial, some running. I never found out what that was about.
My work computer has gremlins in it today as well. Possible Reformat Hard Drive gremlins.
Hope dinner and the concert tonight are less eventful. -
Now lets look foward to 12.12.12 an be really glad there won't be any 13.13.13
@marian said:
an be really glad there won't be any 13.13.13
jan 13, 2014
which happens to be a frida…
no wait..
monday.. nvm
111111 I wore my cords all day. It should have been made official...failing that, a striped shirt.
Official wear for 12.12.12
11-11-11 was actually Nigel Tufnel day of the infamous "band" Spinal Tap
@unknownuser said:
For devotees of the 1984 film This Is Spinal Tap, 11/11/11 is the day to honor the genius of Nigel Tufnel. The guitarist played by Christopher Guest rocked the world with amplifiers that "go to 11."
Seriously. . .I actually took that day to remember and give thanks to all those who have served honorably for our Country, including several of my family members. It was a very poignant day for us here. My wife and I watched a very nice concert with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, flew the flag and were just very reflective and grateful.
It was a good thing to do considering I wasn't carried up by aliens, and the world didn't end.
I set up my email to send this around my office at 11:11:11 11/11/11: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FFRoYhTJQQ