Bar Chair and other (updated 05.15)
nice modeling
how to model this chair?
I do not have universal advice. Just need to manually create a correct mesh. After division i use Artisan.
"Lousie" chair
Create a book for the bookstore.
"Tamara" and "Paulina" chairs
Actually I'm speechless!
Absolutely great stuff.
And thank you for showing the proxies. I'm learning a lot by looking at them.
@jo-ke said:
Absolutely great stuff.
And thank you for showing the proxies. I'm learning a lot by looking at them.+1
Massoud Green Leather Chair
I love this chair and want to learn. Will you do a tutorial and put on so I can buy.thanks,
James -
I'm with James I'm reasonable at SU but the gallery is full of mind blowing stuff! I guess you use a few plugins?
Thank you for the comments.
Yes, I use a few plugins.
My favorites:• Artisan or SubdivideAndSmooth
• RoundEdge
• PipeAlongPath or just FollowMe
• SoapSkinBubble Tool
• Extrusion Tools
• CurviLoft
• ShapeBender
• Copy Along Path
• JointPushPull or ShellI want to thank all developers for these wonderful tools.
I am planning to make a few tutorials (with models).
Those who did it, they know how much time it takes.
Currently, there is another priority.
Another commercial product - Johanna Chair
You are by far the best furniture modeler in SU hands down, i'm green with envy.
Thank Solo
That SoapSkinbubble tool wow just wow! Do you use that for cushions? I would be interested in when and how to use it.
There is another really good furniture designer using sketchup he often makes jigs that he uses when he builds the furniture if I recall correctly.
Alvis, I just bought one of your tutorials on one of your chairs, can't wait to try your techniques, thanks.
Thank you for the comments
Next model "Dorra Rosa" chair
great model. Reminds me a bit of zarah hadid's work.
Always a pleasure to see your models
Long time since my last visit to this thread...
Keep them coming, it's really impressive.Thanks a lot for the inspiration Alvis (I definitely need to work harder)!